Got My Royal Python (pics Page 2)


Fish Herder
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
London, England
Well the man delivered him (royal/ball python) today along with his house (plastic box). Hes so cute and such lovely colours. Hes just getting used to being here so i dont want to disturb him, In a few days i will get some pics of him up. Hes nice and fat and very active, hes had a big old gulp of water and a look around. Im going to let him settle before i pick him up. Well yay meeeee!!!!
THANKS! nice to here something nice. Everyone here is just like "yeah its a snake"

Im so happy, im off to the pet shop to get some fuzzys for him, does anyone know how long i should leave him before i feed him? I was told a week with my corn snake when i got him. I have been watching him lol hes sleeping i think
did you not get a feeding record with him?Ive only kept cornsnakes sorry
No feeding record, but you can tell hes been eating. I think i will give it a few days then try him on a fuzzy and see if his intrested and go from there. I miss my corn snake (my mum thought it was to hot and opened the enclosure, yes shes not allowed neer this one).
Well last year its was boiling hot and my mum assumed the heat mat would get hotter and hotter and would boil the snake. Well she left the front open to "let some air through" why i was at school (as mums do, thinking they know best), came home and have never seen him. I looked everynight for 3 months then kept my eye out for then next few. he was only 1 and a half. I hope someone found him like a neighbour and gave him to a someone. He prolly got in the garden and a bird got him.

Well the royal python, i put my arm in the tank for her to smell me and she wrapped herself around my hand LOL, then i held her for a while and now she has gone back to sleep.
Sweet dude they are nice as snakes unfortunatley we cant get them here :( but im getting carpet pythons soon :)

cool, there are a couple types right? Which one, western carpet, costal carpet? Somthing like that

I have had her out again lol, every time i go in to do something she comes out and i have to pick her up lol. Considering she has been brought here in a car and wobbled about and maybe a bit stressed shes taken it great. No agressiveness at all. Think she enjoys the heat from my hand. I have just put her back and dont want to get her out again so i will take some pics with my mobile 2morro.

Are royals illigal in australia then?
Yep we cant have any exotic species and ya need a licence to keep reptiles but reptile regs vary from state to state but here in wa there is only a few native ones we can keep
and i am getting a south west carpet python
Be careful with handling it.They may seem to be takeing it well but they are one of the most docile snakes you can get, when you come to feed it it might not eat :no: Anyway i'm sure this won't be your case :good:

I look forward to pictures!
Be careful with handling it.They may seem to be takeing it well but they are one of the most docile snakes you can get, when you come to feed it it might not eat :no: Anyway i'm sure this won't be your case :good:

I look forward to pictures!

My uncle is a rep vet so any problems feeding he said he will show me how to 'force' feed if need be, i really hope it takes them on its though.
ok, well if he doesn't strike feed just leave the mice in overnight for him to feed.Do not use force feeding, unless your snake hasn't eaten for 4 months or so and you can see it is going downhill.
ok, well if he doesn't strike feed just leave the mice in overnight for him to feed.Do not use force feeding, unless your snake hasn't eaten for 4 months or so and you can see it is going downhill.

yep thats what he said if i see it losing weight or anything bring it straight to him. Lets hope i never have to

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