Got My New Gold Nugget Pleco


New Member
Apr 30, 2009
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I just got my GNP yesterday and he will not eat....I made sure I got the fattest one out of the bunch. He just stays behind the filter or on the filter. How long before they normally get adjusted to their new homes? He has plenty of places to hide and driftwood to eat as well. I have tried spot feeding him with blood worms with a turkey baster.......even though that was kind of hard because he is behind the filter and I have also put a some squash on a veggie clip by him and tried rubbing some garlic on it....He is not interested at all.
When I first put him in yesterday he was all over the front of the tank....but now that he has found the filter he won't leave from there. What else can i try??
try him on zuchini (courgette), they will eventually eat almost any kind of veg SEE HERE. if you are really worried, you could crush some garlic and rub the juice and bits over some veg and put that in at night time, they are mainly night time feeders anyway but the garlic will act as an appetite stimulant

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