Got my hands on a true albino oscar.

Very cool!! Am I correct to assume you are using BDBS for substrate? I am working on setting up a 125 and have pretty much decided to go with that for substrate, but of course until I buy it in going to be second guessing myself :D
Very cool!! Am I correct to assume you are using BDBS for substrate? I am working on setting up a 125 and have pretty much decided to go with that for substrate, but of course until I buy it in going to be second guessing myself :D
Yea thats all I use. Its amazing. Just takes a lil bit to clean but well worth it. I highly recommend
She must look very impressive!

Are they an easy fish to breed?

Is that something you would be looking to do?
No im not looking to breed there are too many oscars on the market and they lay a ton of eggs at a time. They would be really hard to get rid of
Good, a 55g is the perfect size for one Oscar.

I agree with you, I don’t see any black on his fins. Healthy looking fish. :good:
A 55 is way too small for a fish that will reach 13-14 inches. A 90 gallon would be more suitable with its dimensions and its larger volume can better accomodate the large amount of waste that oscars produce.
A 55 is way too small for a fish that will reach 13-14 inches. A 90 gallon would be more suitable with its dimensions and its larger volume can better accomodate the large amount of waste that oscars produce.
They only grow to 10 inches in captivity. I do agree the larger the tank the better, but if the OP only has room for a 55g, it will still work. 75 gallons is preferred.
They only grow to 10 inches in captivity. I do agree the larger the tank the better, but if the OP only has room for a 55g, it will still work. 75 gallons is preferred.
12 inch oscars are literally everywhere. Where is your source that they only reach 10 inches?
Absolutely BEAUTIFUL fish!

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