Got My Extinguisher - Now What?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 3, 2006
Reaction score
Preston, UK
this may seem like a very silly question but I picked up an old co2 extinguisher at work today (2kg bottle - full). I've discharged the whole thing and now need to know how to connect it. As you can see from the phote the trigger assembly screws direct into the canister (is this standard?) and has 2 possible ways to connect - the big connector where the nozzle was attached (2) and a much smaller valve output (1). When I unscrewed the smaller one gas discharged without depressing the trigger and I presume is for refilling, the large (nozzle) output required the trigger being squeezed. Most regulators I've seen appear to attach to the larger outlet but if this is the case how does the gas get out? Do I need to squeeze the trigger and somehow lock it open or do I attach the reg to the smaller outlet. If so what regulator would I need. any recommendations from anyone?

Whilst I'm on topic, does anyone know anywhere in the Preston Lancs area to get bottles refilled. I've chance of also getting a larger bottle (full 7lb) as well as this if I can figure everything out.

Any other advise re what I need gratefully received - I've currently got a glass diffuser rigged up to 2x home home yeast solutions but with change of free cylinders have decide to upgrade


I am only guessing here as I have never used an extinguisher yet, but I would imagine you take off the discharge nozzle, connect your regulator to where it came off (thread No. 2), first making sure that the regulator is shut off.

Once you are happy the regulator is shut off and secured tightly, you operate the extinguisher trigger which admits CO2 up to your regulator.

Why did you discharge a full extinguisher?
Not quite sure why you discharged it as you will now have to get it filled again before you can use it. You'll need to screw the whole trigger assembly back into the canister very tightly first. Then get it refilled wit CO2, but if it is a black one you may have dificulties finding somewhere that will do it. Your regulator then attaches to '2' on your picture. Squeeze the trigger and secure using a pull tie or similar.

Not quite sure why you discharged it as you will now have to get it filled again before you can use it. You'll need to screw the whole trigger assembly back into the canister very tightly first. Then get it refilled wit CO2, but if it is a black one you may have dificulties finding somewhere that will do it. Your regulator then attaches to '2' on your picture. Squeeze the trigger and secure using a pull tie or similar.


thanks for the replies - this is what I thought I needed to do.

The only reason I discharged the cannister was because the extinguisher hasn't been used or touched for 10 years. I got a little carried away and decided to discharge it fully so that I could take off the whole "extinguisher" assembly and replace it with the regulator - a mistake in hindsight. I can get a couple more at work (old 7lb or 3.5kg plus another 2kg I think). Both fully charged, years old and free - as they are black. Should keep me going for a while. I am going to ring round to see if I can get it filled - didn't see it as a problem if it's for home use/aquarium.

With ref to regulators - will I need a separate needle valve or aer the regs usually sufficient?
The larger valve on the regulator is an isolating valve. You will need a needle valve to have any real control over the CO2.
Managed to find an old photo of how I had my fire extinguisher setup. Should just about be able to see how I've done it.

As James has already said, you may well struggle to get this extinguisher refilled.
Most places won't touch the black ones any more as they no longer conform to the standards.

I've posted this link a few times .... once more won't hurt !
Ebay Fire Extinguisher Guide

This is probably not what you want to hear, but ........
The guy I get my extinguisher refilled through says they are legally not allowed to touch the black ones and
they should be scrapped.
As your extinguisher is over 10 years old it will probably need a new pressure test ..... the date of the last
test should be on the extinguisher somewhere (often stampped into the metal near the top).
If you can find somebody who'll still touch the black ones then you may find that a new pressure test
will cost you more than a new extinguisher !

A new red one cost me £15 for the extinguisher and another £15 for each 2kg refill. I've found cheaper, but this guy lives in the next street, so is very handy for short notice refills !

I've just finished setting up my extinguisher system. the reg bolts onto the horn thread (2) as said before so you can drop the bottle pressure down to a more manageable level, then the needle valve is for fine control to give your desired rate of bubbles per minute. The regulator adjustment is too corse for this.
I held the handles closed and drilled a new pinning point so i can use the lock pin to hold them shut.
You have to have the regulator attached and closed if you do drill otherwise you will discharge the extinguisher.
found somewhere that will refill 2kg for £5 plus VAT (so £5.88). No issues with it being black as I've explained it's not going to be used as an extinguisher. Only issue is age (the one I have was manufactured in 1983 but was in use at my work until approx 10 years ago (maybe less). Now I may go back and get the other 2kg one plus the 7lb one from work (all full and for free) - plenty of c02 to keep me going for a while.

Will the horn thread be standard (metric size?) or ude to age of cylinder will it be obsolete/imperial??

Any suggestions on regulators/needle valves etc?
Not sure on the cylinder thread due to age but I got my regulator from WeldUK and a nut & tail thats 5mm outside diameter ish.
The regs great and bolts straight onto the extinguisher. The only thing is that the low pressure gauge is in litres per minute not psi but i've just adjusted the pressure to get a good control through my needle valve which is this one, takes 6mm diameter tubing push fit with no leaks.

Oh and it's better to phone the weld company as he does alot of aquatic trade and will send you the right stuff.
There is lots of choice though including a german ebay seller with regs, needle, solenoid etc as a package for a good price.
I'm waiting on a solenoid from him for about £20, i think it's lunaPet gmbh.
I work in UK for a mjor company and the Co2 extinguisher outside the door of my office is a black one with an approved sticker from last year!!! Is it seriously illegal????

Sorry to jump off topic here. Been reading this thread with interest as I might go the fire extinguisher route
I work in UK for a mjor company and the Co2 extinguisher outside the door of my office is a black one with an approved sticker from last year!!! Is it seriously illegal????

Sorry to jump off topic here. Been reading this thread with interest as I might go the fire extinguisher route

not sure - i work for the local fire service and my understanding was that extinguishers all had to be red in order to comply with EU regulations but I know that you can buy silver ones which supposedly are more agreeable in an office environment. the whole ruling is ridiculous in my opinion - when we had red, black, green, blue etc extinguishers it was easy to identify each type on site. now they are all red but with coloured bands around them I think there is potential to select the wrong type. how many instances have there been where a water extinguisher (old red) has been used on electrical fires when a traditional black (co2) one should have been used?

sorry about going totally off-topic, but it;s a personal pet-hate of mine, along with many other EU rules

Back on-topic. I emailed 3 local companies regarding recharging my BLACK extinguisher - 2 have responded (£5.88 and £10 for 2kg) and neither have an issue with black cylinders, so what does that tell you? Just need to get regulator now...
Am I glad I've found this link (though a good friend on another forum). I have a CO2 system bought from the German Co on eBay, great deal £90 including regulator, needle valve, bottle and solenoid (for timer). However when I've come to try to get the 500 gm bottle refilled it has been impossible locally (Southampton). So the idea of this alternative is great!!! The only question i have with the Fire Extinguisher idea is that the bottle from the German supplier is giving out 50+ bar whereas the fire extinguisher I looked at earlier showed 170ish bar. Is this an ISSUE?? Thks appreciate any input. :rolleyes:
Am I glad I've found this link (though a good friend on another forum). I have a CO2 system bought from the German Co on eBay, great deal £90 including regulator, needle valve, bottle and solenoid (for timer). However when I've come to try to get the 500 gm bottle refilled it has been impossible locally (Southampton). So the idea of this alternative is great!!! The only question i have with the Fire Extinguisher idea is that the bottle from the German supplier is giving out 50+ bar whereas the fire extinguisher I looked at earlier showed 170ish bar. Is this an ISSUE?? Thks appreciate any input. :rolleyes:

I'm running a German ebay (Aquamas) reg with a 2kg FE.
I have it on "open" with a cable tie and it shows 54bar into the reg and 1 bar out.

I'm sure it not a good thing with a 170bar reading, how long has the system been running at this level?

Peter, how did you get on with the FE and Aquamas reg? I'm thinking of buying a reg from aquamas or luna pets for my new tank and fit it to a FE from the sharp edge as i have a diffuser already and it will work out cheaper than buying a full system.

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