Got Given A Geo. Brasiliensis

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Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2012
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Hi i just got given a Geophagus Brasiliensis 'Bahia Red' Male, hes about 6.5", i read on another site they never get bigger than 9" in tanks unless they are in massive tanks.

Question is can i keep him or do i have to trade him in?

This is my stock.



1 x Male Red Spotted Severum (Heros Efaciatus) (6")
2 x Female Cutters Cichlid (Cryptoheros cutteri) (both 4.5")
2 x Female Blue Flash firemouth (Thorichthys aureus) (both 3.5")
1 x Female Honduran Red Point (Amatitlania siquia) (3.5")
1 x Female pink convict (Amatitlania nigrofasciatus) (5")
1 x Male Red Hump Eartheater (Geophagus steindachneri) (4.5")

-----------------non cichlid------------------------------------
1 x Striped Raphael Catfish (Platydoras costatus) (5")
1 x Featherfin Synodontis (6")
1 x common Plec (fully grown, hes been about 10" for 2 years now)
1 x Rainbow shark (3" still growing)
8 x Tiger Barbs

Tank is a bit cramped, i do 40% waterchanges a week, everything gets on great, the Aureus have mock fights with the Con/ Firemouths nothing becomes of it)

I really like the look of him, i'm to attatched to the other fish to let them go tho.
I would say no mate, you have a fair few fish as it stands... But you are very lucky to have been given it. I have been admiring Frankie2's breeding pair. Never realised that they became so colourful when spawning! Really really nicelooking fish.
Shame you don't live in Taunton Somerset mate, you could of had it
I've not had mine that long , probably lucky to get a pair from 2 juvis , but watching them pair up and build there nest , protect there eggs , move there eggs , and then look after there fry !! Has completely won me over !! Realy cool fish , but turned my tank in to a war zone ( the male )
I don't no wether would be a good idea to introduce a fish of that size ?? Might be ok with out a female , sure someone with more experience would put you right !!

But if I was you move all fish on and get 2-3 females , and enjoy :) , cheers nik !!
Hes already in and hes minding his own business.

I'll keep him for a little while then sell him/trade him on, hes a beautiful fish but i'm attatched to my others.

I thought he'd pick on my Red Hump Geo but hes not interested in him at all.
Hope he is ok !! I think the only worry you have if you had a pair CBS they spawned , good luck fella !!

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