Got crabs?

they only molt once a year at a certain size, but when they asre really little they molt alot. They can change shells everyday if they wanted to, and some never change shells, especially E's, ecudorians, which barely ever change sells.
Update~The crabs are all doing very well. I wanted to share this picture. A couple of months ago we threw in some extra shells, some were just unreasonably large but made for cute decor. Immediately the white crab shed his shell and put on the largest shell, but he took it right off, I guess he was playing dress up but no one has changed since then. A couple datys ago the flag crab shed his shell for the same one the white crab had worn, but he hasn't taken it off yet. It's hilarious watching him get around, I don't know how he carries this thing...

Sorry 'bout the dirty glass :*)
Here's their tank, briefly relocated to the living room as we're going through some room switching right now...

Again, pardon the glass. they're so messy with that coconut fiber :look:
Cool crabs :) I have four of Ecuadorians, they love popcorn, apples, peanuts, plums and stuff to climb on. They love being able to climb as high as possible and watch the goings on from a perch. My tank began looking like a beach and now looks like a jungle, they are more active if they have places to swing out of and they love having a reptile waterfall thing in the tank to wash out their shells.

Dont know if you have natural sponges at home but they like to chill out under a wet sponge too. They are also more active if the tank is warmand humid and will go into hiding for weeks if theres no food for a couple of days. They like to live in groups and have cute 'feeler fights' which is kind of like a sword fight except with feelers. Hard to tell who's winning..

Some of those guys look like they should be riding a Harley :)
We've really been enjoying them, and I agree that they DO love popcorn, that disappeared so fast when I tried it. A tip from a member- they love corn, so I tried it and yes, they do. They'll eat steak right out of our fingers,although that takes forever so we wind up just giving it to them.

Adding the sticks was the best thing I could have done. They sit together in little groups and climb all day and eat the bark.
I bought one of those fiber mats that velcro to the back, I loved the way it looked and they loved to climb on it, but last week I found the white one trapped behind it and I pulled it out. We were all bummed but, safety first!

It's not nearly as fancy as your tank :p But hey, they like it and so does the kiddo. She's gotten over the fear of holding them and she plays with them all the time, they're used to being handled and bathed.

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