Cuz we do!! As some may know I went down to the Texas gulf last week and hermit crabs are a huge seller in every gift shop My daughter, had,had,had to have one. I saw them selling bitty cages and kritter keepers so I assumed one would be fine in a ten gallon, so we picked up a little cutie in a natural ivory shell. He rode all the way home with us, as active as can be. He moved around from temporary house to house until I set up his ten gallon a couple days ago. He seemed pleased but not toooo happy so I did some substrate research and ran out to get him some coconut fiber. The minute I put it down in his tank he burrowed and we never saw him again
I started to fear he may have either died OR he was molting (which would be ok) OR he was just lonely. So last night we went to Petco and picked up two small hermies to be his friends. They were so, so cute exploring and they ate right away. I noticed later that night that the ivory crab was out and about and now everything seems right with their world I adore them!!
The original crab...
New crab...
Other new crab...
mmm,raisins! I'll just take this over here for some privacy..
Making friends
Does anybody else keep them? I'm looking for any hints or tips to keep them happy. Their tank is no where near done with decor, or I'd post a whole tank shot. Right now I'm giving them salt water to drink, and lots of it! They suck that stuff down as soon as I put it in the crabitat. They don't seem to like the Hikari Hermit Crab food I offered them some boiled egg a few minutes ago and so far there are no takers. They really just like the raisins ,but I haven't tried much else.
I started to fear he may have either died OR he was molting (which would be ok) OR he was just lonely. So last night we went to Petco and picked up two small hermies to be his friends. They were so, so cute exploring and they ate right away. I noticed later that night that the ivory crab was out and about and now everything seems right with their world I adore them!!
The original crab...
New crab...
Other new crab...
mmm,raisins! I'll just take this over here for some privacy..
Making friends
Does anybody else keep them? I'm looking for any hints or tips to keep them happy. Their tank is no where near done with decor, or I'd post a whole tank shot. Right now I'm giving them salt water to drink, and lots of it! They suck that stuff down as soon as I put it in the crabitat. They don't seem to like the Hikari Hermit Crab food I offered them some boiled egg a few minutes ago and so far there are no takers. They really just like the raisins ,but I haven't tried much else.