Got a tank for my birthday!


New Member
Oct 29, 2021
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Hi all!

A quick intro as I have just joined the forum :)

I kept marines between 2007 and 2012 but then I decided to leave the hobby when my first child was born. I absolutely loved it and I have longed for a tank ever since. You can imagine my delight when my wife bought me a 300 L freshwater tank a couple of weeks ago for my 40th birthday! 🥳

I'll be honest, having kept marines and having been used to the bright colours of the angelfish, corals and tangs, I was initially unsure whether I could get as excited by a freshwater tank as i previously was with a marine one. But with my tank now up & running, planted and busy cycling in the background, and with me in the middle of planning my stocklist, i can safely say the passion for fishkeeping has come back with a vengeance!

I have posted my stocking plans on another thread and would welcome any thoughts that anybody has. Here is the link:

Thanks in advance and nice to meet you all!
Welcome to the forum and welcome back to the hobby! Cant wait till you have it cycled!
Hi all!

A quick intro as I have just joined the forum :)

I kept marines between 2007 and 2012 but then I decided to leave the hobby when my first child was born. I absolutely loved it and I have longed for a tank ever since. You can imagine my delight when my wife bought me a 300 L freshwater tank a couple of weeks ago for my 40th birthday! 🥳

I'll be honest, having kept marines and having been used to the bright colours of the angelfish, corals and tangs, I was initially unsure whether I could get as excited by a freshwater tank as i previously was with a marine one. But with my tank now up & running, planted and busy cycling in the background, and with me in the middle of planning my stocklist, i can safely say the passion for fishkeeping has come back with a vengeance!

I have posted my stocking plans on another thread and would welcome any thoughts that anybody has. Here is the link:

Thanks in advance and nice to meet you all!
TOTM for November is 30g or larger...
(I think...)
"Tanks in Progress" count, too!
Welcome to the forum! :hi:

Do you have any old pictures of your marine tank?

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