Got a rebel fish here...


Fish Fanatic
Mar 13, 2004
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Ft. Bragg, NC here goes my story. I am in the Army, and was recently sent on TDY for 2 weeks. I had my wife feed my fish while I was gone, but expected no more from her since the fish are mine, and I am responsible for their care. Upon my return, I was cleaning the tank the other day and noticed that one of my Ottos has been beheaded. Not beheaded in the sense that his head is in one part of the tank, and his body in another....HIS HEAD WAS EATEN!!! I was under the assumption that all my fish were supposed to be good community fish. I immediately took out the obvious suspect (My tinfoil barb)....but could this possibly be one of the other fish or groups of fish? The reason I singled out the barb is because he is the only one with a big enough mouth for a job like this. I know that the last black skirt tetra I had could get a little excitable at times, but never vicious to any of the other fish. Another thing to disprove my tetra ....the bugger is about as big as a pinky nail...he's just a baby. Anyone got any ideas? I don't want to lose any more fish due to cannibalism...I would like to rid myself of the culprit before I lose more. Please help a fish enthusiast out. I appreciate all of your thoughts!!

lol @ perhaps my wife.....maybe I should rid myself of HER just in case she's the culprit. LMAOOOOO. Anyways....I highly doubt that it is my frog. He's just a plain aquatic frog. small, keeps to himself all of the time. The only time I really see him is when he comes up for air. I have checked the thread on aquatic frogs, and according to that thread, he is truly an aquatic frog, not the other type that can get big and vicious. Good idea, though....

*(still laughing at the wife thing)*
could be. most omnivorous or carnivorous fish will eat the dead

Bring out your dead! - :p couldn't resist that one

otherwise the TF barb or the frog could be the culprit

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