Got A New Tank But Need Advice?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Bournemouth, Southern England.
hello i need some advice please. my brothers friend gave me a tank 45cm long / 26cm back / 66cm high,77litres,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,strange shape but its free.......................what filter can i use in it for eg fluval??
and what heater size would work in had a under gravel filter but dont want to go down that road......any advice would be great...................thanks in advance
:D..........................for future what type of fish could i keep in it, community tank i have in mind
Here is a picture of it, hopefully someone can help :D . I'm just concerned because its narrow but deep.


Anne xx

If it were my tank, I would just get a HOB - hang on back - filter, like the other person suggested.

I would probably get an Aquaclear, like this one:
Aquaclear 30

If you want tons of water current and/or more filtration (plan on overstocking a bit?), then I would get one size up like this:
Aquaclear 50

If you do get a HOB filter, I would consider getting an extension for the intake tube, so it is sucking water from a bit lower in your tank. (since your tank is so tall)
thats a cool shape, you could make that look really nice, some tall buts of mopani or bog wood and some tall grass. Tigerbarbs and neons, mmmm.

You could get an internal fluval 4 for that but it might be to powerful because the width iof the tank is quite short, may be you are better going for an external filter. A 100 W - 150 W filter should be fine.
thats a cool shape, you could make that look really nice, some tall buts of mopani or bog wood and some tall grass. Tigerbarbs and neons, mmmm.

You could get an internal fluval 4 for that but it might be to powerful because the width iof the tank is quite short, may be you are better going for an external filter. A 100 W - 150 W filter should be fine.
A fluval 3 or an external fluval 105 should suffice . The HOB filters suggested are not available in the UK & it would be easy to hide an internal with a decent piece of bogwood.
First thing I would do is get rid of the stick on thermometer - horrible place & they are inaccurate.
A 75w or 100w heater would be ok.
You will have to be careful when stocking this tank as it will only hold very few fish due to lack of surface area.
thanks for the advice guys :thumbs: ive brought a internal filter tetratec 1000 which included a free elite 150watt heater<bargain at £17.99.......................sorry but not selling tank.............just finishing filling and adding filter to start the longgg process of cycling...will post a picture later once ive added the plants etc......thanks again :D
I think it would make a great tank for Angels!
I don't think its wide and long enough for angels, though it is tall enough once they get bigger they wouldn't have much room. ;)

Nelly why are you trying to raise your post count just by saying "hi"?

Btw that tank looks great!! :drool:

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