Got A New 80 Litre Tank... These Inhabitants Good?

Sounds good that, are you planting the tank? Scarlet Badis love plants. I can recommend if you need, just need your lighting, fert usage, co2 usage, that sort of thing.
Tek oot.
Thank you, there will be lots of plants and some hiding places.
Did you want to know what kind of plants or do you know what you're getting?
Tek oot.
Probably would be nice to know what to get, yeah thank you. But I'm not sure that the fish shops around me would have everything, but I'm sure they'd have something. So please, tell me what plants to get. :)
TekFish said:
Did you want to know what kind of plants or do you know what you're getting?
Tek oot.
Yes please.
Wait, are there any other peaceful Corys that aren't so active and that could go with Badis and Mosquito Rasboras?
Well, hmmm. Do you know what lighting you have? Do you use Co2? Do you use ferts?
Tek oot.
No, I haven't got anything for it yet, not setting up for another few days or a week yet. Knowing what plants to aim for would be nice. I might use Co2... but I don't know how to use it, never used it before.
Hmm, then I would recommend MANY Cryptocorynes, I have had no problem with them, but if you get worried about Crypt melt, stick to Wendtii, Undulata and Becketii. The advantage of crypts is that they don't require much light, and they provide ground cover as well as just looking nice. Heteranthera is good, as long as you have decent light, since it grows nicely but also bushes out if you trim it. Anubias would be good if you are having bogwood, something like nana just to stop bogwood looking plain, or you could use Java Fern, depends on which you like more. So there you go, If you notice I've chosen all these plants from the ones I have, because I know what they're like. I have 2.5WPG or something similar, so if you aim for that much light you'll be fine. I don't have a CO2 system yet, but I plan on getting one.
Tek oot.
Thank you very much! A lot  to think about there, It's very useful. :)
Do you know of any peaceful Corys that could go with the list of fish above?
Corydoras Habrosus/Hastatus are both very peaceful. Corydoras Pygmaeus is peaceful too.
Tek oot.
  • 3 Scarlet Badis
  • 12 Mosquito Rasboras
  • 8 Pygmy Corys
  • 4 Otocinclus
  • 1 Bamboo Shrimp
  • Cherry Shrimp
Sounds OK to me, but I've have never owned any of those myself, so you may want to check numbers and things with other people, but as for me I can't see any problems. Nice job.
Tek oot.
Your welcome 

Tek oot.

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