Hmm, then I would recommend MANY Cryptocorynes, I have had no problem with them, but if you get worried about Crypt melt, stick to Wendtii, Undulata and Becketii. The advantage of crypts is that they don't require much light, and they provide ground cover as well as just looking nice. Heteranthera is good, as long as you have decent light, since it grows nicely but also bushes out if you trim it. Anubias would be good if you are having bogwood, something like nana just to stop bogwood looking plain, or you could use Java Fern, depends on which you like more. So there you go, If you notice I've chosen all these plants from the ones I have, because I know what they're like. I have 2.5WPG or something similar, so if you aim for that much light you'll be fine. I don't have a CO2 system yet, but I plan on getting one.
Tek oot.