Got A New 240l Tank. How To Fill?


New Member
Sep 7, 2007
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Hi guys my name is alex.

Ive just got my first tank for my 18th birthday and I intend to make it a freshwater tank. Im just about to start the cycle but am already looking ahead to when I can finally get my first fish. I plan to start with some easier fish (maybe some gobies, platies and guppies) and then go on to build quite a large community.

I have always loved puffer fish, is there any way that any species could live along side other fish?
If not what do you recomend I go for after some nice easy beginner fish?
Any help would be great.
Thanks alot guys

Most freshwater puffers do not go well with other fish and are best kept in species tanks. What size tanks is it? The measure ments, and volume please.
Its a juwel rio 240. And the measuremants are 121 x 55 x 41 cm
Thats about 50 gallons, if you were to go for a dwaf puffer species set up... accoding to the one per 5 gallon rule you could have like 25 dwarf puffers lol, if thats what you wanna do.

Personally i do think that would be awesome.
That does sound pretty cool!!
But basically if I want a puffer fish do I have to have an only puffer tank?
Also can I mix speices of puffer or do they all have to be the same?
Unless you go brackish then yeah, i think if you go brackish figure 8 puffers can be kept with bumblebee gobys an possibly other stuff im not sure, however remember bracksih tanks require correct salt levels an stuff.
That does sound pretty cool!!
But basically if I want a puffer fish do I have to have an only puffer tank?
Also can I mix speices of puffer or do they all have to be the same?

There are a few Carinotetraodon Species (Freshwater Puffers) that will tolerate each other but as a rule of thumb if you want a Puffer then thats pretty much all you will have in the tank. Brackish are slightly different with the Figure8 Puffers usually happily living with Bumblebee Gobies etc.

Its generally once species of Puffer per tank also.
I would just like to rectify my earlier post, you could not have 25 dwarf puffers in 50 gallons, you could have about 10. Sorry about that mistake. That would still be very impressive though. The rule with dwarf puffers regarding other fish, is dont add anything you'd be sad to lose, you could perhaps try a few otos witht them.

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