Got A Killer Hitchhiker


Fish Addict
Jan 6, 2006
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It seems i have a killer in my tank, found a dead hermit after about a week of having my lr and just put it down to being dead when i got the rock but last night i found one of my hermits missing a claw and a couple of legs. the legs where by a hole in the rocks so i sat up last night to see if anything was in there and sure enough there's a crab about 1" dark brown very shy even a red light made him scuttle back into the rock.

I know its a long shot but any ideas as to what it may be its quite a beefy crab looks like the ones you eat and any ideas of how to catch the little bugger. the hole i think he is in has about 3 exits and he may have moved to another rock all ready.

I was thinking about the bottle trap but im sure my hermits will get there first
def a crab i saw it last night but its the first time i have seen it and i have stayed up a few night to see what happens at night and never seen it before.

just found another dead hermit but its not one i put in ?
Pull your hermits out, then do a bottle trap overnight, you could stick you hermits in a jar of saltwater overnight I'd think. You won't have any before long anyway if you don't do something quick.

If you dont want to risk them overnight in a jar,
Put them in a breeding trap at the top of the tank :good:

Does it look like this? If so get it out and kill it.


Thats the one what are they ?

bad news is i have 2, seen a smaller one tonight, good news is theres a trap in there now got my mithrax crab and hermits in breeding boxs hung around the tank the trap caught my mithrax in 10 mins!

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