Got A Couple Of Questions About Dealing With An Aiptasia


Fish Addict
Feb 15, 2007
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
after reading a few posts here and looking around the net, i have come to the conclusion i have at least one aiptasia in my cycling tank. ive read all the things about injecting them and sucking them etc but im not sure exactly how to do it lol if i use lemon juice, do i simply stick the needle in and inject??? how do i know when its dead? what happens to the water if they are removed normally? are they toxic? i mean i know they are to fish but do they release something bad into the water as well?

im thinking as my tank is still cycling it would be the best time to deal with the problem so no adverse effects on the fish ???

or, just thinking still, its been nearly two weeks and the stats in the tank are starting to settle, should i just get a few peppermint shrimp in a week or so and let them deal with it rather than messing with the water?

on a different note, over the last few days the substrate in the tank seems a little discoloured for want of a better word. sort of like a thin layer of algae but its sorta like little tiny grains of dirt or something. cant find my camera at the moment or id take pics but hopefully can find it later.

and finally, i have this anemone/coraly looking thingy that was a hitchiker in my LR and ive been doing some research and cant seem to find out what it is. i think thats in part due to the fact that i dont know what kind of thing it is to search for it :) so marine dumb in many ways right now lol will get pics of this later too but it started of quite small like a mushroom sort of shape and its pale pink. its grown quite a bit now and its has lots of tentacle things like an anemone with little flower sorta bits at the end...that is an awful sorry lol :) but i figure seeing as it was hardy enough to survive all the way to my tank then i figure it may be something quite common.

ill get lots of pics when i can as there is a bunch of stuff in there that i would like to know what they are. there are many many feather dusters of all different colours. are these all ok? are there any to watch out for?

thanks in advance
emily :)
how big is the rock your aiptasia is on? might just wanna chip him off... make sure not 2 break him...

Diatom = phytoplankton / algae

Pics would be nice :)
how big is the rock your aiptasia is on? might just wanna chip him off... make sure not 2 break him...

Diatom = phytoplankton / algae

Pics would be nice :)

ive had a close look tonight and have noticed quite a few starting to pop up all over the place. what happens if you break them? could i take the rock out of the tank and pull the little buggers off?

p.s. tried taking some pics tonight but can only find old camera. pics were crap so ill have a good look tomorrow and hopefully be able to get some better ones
nah they release spores if you do that and you'll end up with 10 times as many, need to get them with some joe's juice
Joe's Juice or a true Peppermint Shrimp (Lysmata wurdemanni) should get rid of the little buggers.
The shrimp take about 4 weeks to get round to the task they were bought for.
The above answers are purely from research as I am about so set up my own reef system.
can i even get that stuff in australia???? i hear you can use lemon/lime juice or baking soda. do you have to inject it or can you just squirt it on to it? sorry about all the questions but there isnt much info around the net that i can find at the moment.
My vote is for peppermint shrimp :good:. Took my peppermint 1 night to eat my 4 aiptasia... Some people have mixed reviews, but that gets my vote for ease of removal.

If that's not an option and if you can get your hands on a hypodermic needle, do it and inject the little prics with lemon juice, or another strong acid. Like if you know anybody with a pool, ask them if they have acid to clean the pool and use that :hey:. If you cant get a hypodermic, you can squirt lemon juice on them too. Either way you'll need multiple treatments as these are resillient little buggers.
I would go with a Peppermint Shrimp. If there is a big Aiptasia smush it so the Peppermint has a better chance of eating the babies if he doesn't touch the big one.
If you can only see a small number, and can check the whole of the tank (not easy with lots of caves and such from LR) then go for Joes juice or lemon juice. Otherwise I recommend biological control.

Copper Banded Butterflyfish are believed to eat aiptasia, as well as peppermint shrimps noted above. Just watch to make sure the biological control doesn't look elsewhere for food.
well i bought myself two peppermint shrimp yesterday. i havent seem them since i put them in the tank. in fact, we even rearranged the LR last night as i really needed a more creative design :) we still didnt see them then :unsure: anyhoo im sure theyre there.

the aptasia are very small for the most part. the largest has roughly 1cm tentacles. the others are much smaller.

now i know i can get joes juice though i may try some of that if the peppermints dont do their job :)

thanks guys :good:

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