Got 2 new tanks can't decide what to do with them


Fish Herder
Apr 20, 2004
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II've got 2 new tanks. I can't decide what to do with them. 1 is going to be my oscar's new home. one is going to be a gouramis/loach tank.

I kinda want to put the oscar in the 37 for the next 6 months or so since I have intentions of buying a 75gal in a few months. and make the 54G the gouramis/loach tank but then I know in the back of my mind it'd be better to make the 54 the oscar tank. I can't decide. The 54 is going in my living room where I know the oscar would be interesting to watch but I think the grouramis loach tank would be more scenic since with the oscar I basically can't plant the tank.

What would you put where. Or would you do a different combo theme tank?
Hi Sky042 :)

These are not your everyday rectangular tank sizes. It might be helpful if you could give us an idea of the dimensions because they might suggest an answer to your question. -_-
Inchworm said:
Hi Sky042 :)

These are not your everyday rectangular tank sizes. It might be helpful if you could give us an idea of the dimensions because they might suggest an answer to your question. -_-
well the 54 is a 90 degree angle with the end connected by glass.

The 37 actually is a standard sized aquarium
37 Gallon 30x12x22

This tank will have an emperor 400 bio-wheel on it

54 Corner*

This tank has a wet/dry and eventually it'll have a small cannister filter as a second filtration but not right away.
Now remember also I plan to within 6 mos/1year purchase either a 55 or 75 gallon setup for the oscar.
Like you I'd be tempted to rehouse the oscar in the 37 for a few months waiting for the 75 gal and go ahead and set up that interesting 54 with your gourami and loach theme. Planted tank and happy fish in the 54 would be stunning :D

jams.alaskan said:
Like you I'd be tempted to rehouse the oscar in the 37 for a few months waiting for the 75 gal and go ahead and set up that interesting 54 with your gourami and loach theme. Planted tank and happy fish in the 54 would be stunning :D

thats kinda what I'm thinking. my LFS has a nice selection of loaches. I was thinking some yo-yo's khulli's maybe clowns. and a nice collection of gouramis. Not many but some very nicely colored larger adults.
piece of bogwood. Sand bottom few amazon swords. maybe 2 slate boulders.

The oscar also is only about 3 inches at the moment. I don't think he'd grow out of the 27 in that short a time and with the emperor 400 there should be plenty of filtration for him.

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