Got 2 New Australian Rainbow Fish


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2007
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Ok, people were saying that i needed to get some more rainbow fish cause i only had one. I went to the pet store today and bought 2 more Australian Rainbow fish. They gave me a small and a big one... I came home let the bag sit in the water for a while then i let them out. My rainbow fish that I have had seems to be hanging around with the new big rainbow and they were like dancing or something, they keept bumping up against each other... now they are just swimming with each other. Also my rainbow that i've had keeps chasing the smaller rainbow i just got today away from the other one and i don't know why. Could someone tell me anything? :)
Oh, You have three fishes. why not more one for two cuple???
Any chance you could post some good pics of them? although more would be better, I think 3 is fine. My 3 have lived together for over a year without problems. The dancing you saw is them figuring out who is boss, they do it quite often.
I wouldnt worry to much about them chasing each other, mine do it all the time and it doesnt stress them out at all. Top fish to keep by the way, just keep adding when ever u can afford them. By the way how much are they, im from Australia and we pay about 30 dollars a pair of small bosmani's or salmon red etc. Some shops tho will charge about 90 dollars each if they are full size.

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