A stroke of the brush does not guarantee art from
Happened to pick up an amazingly coloured halfbeak yesterday. She's a big female, with bright orange fins and lovely blue eyes. I'm assuming it's a form of Nomorhamphus ebrardtii though she was being sold along with a Celebes halfbeak (that I bought as well!). Just goes to show, the exporters basically ship any old halfbeak under the Celebes halfbeak name.
There's a link to a movie of her below, and if you've never seen halfbeaks in action, I think you're in for a treat. She's very active and feisty, and not only ate everything I threw into the tank within an hour of being released, she even tried to peck snails off the glass!
There's a link to a movie of her below, and if you've never seen halfbeaks in action, I think you're in for a treat. She's very active and feisty, and not only ate everything I threw into the tank within an hour of being released, she even tried to peck snails off the glass!