Gooooood Morning Everyone!


New Member
Jan 2, 2022
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Hello everyone!
Long-time listener, first-time caller ;)

I’ve lurked this forum’s threads for a few years and have decided to join, finally!

I’m new to the forum, not new to fish, though I feel like I learn something new everyday. In the past, I’ve kept goldies and tropicals. I now live in a small-ish apartment, so goldies are off the table, but one day i would love to have an indoor tropical pond and goldfish pond.

I have a BEAUTIFUL koi betta girl (Effie) in a 5 gallon.

I have been slowly building a 29 gallon, piece by piece. It is now fully cycled, but isn’t fully planted yet. In it live 3 wrestling halfbeak babies (Beek-Bok, Buckbeak, and Filter Pete), 4 shrimp (Toffee Boi, Carlos, Little Red, and Buttercup), and one random snail that hitchhiked in on a plant (Snell).

I’ll be moving the skrimps into planted 3 gal bowls once I’m done scaping them.

My wonderful fiancé and cat (Lilah) have been very supportive and kind about my hobby.

Looking forward to talking fish with you all. Very nice forum, here!
Welcome to the forum great to have you here. Halfbeaks are awesome such an under rated fish looking forward to seeing some pics of your tank

Welcome to the forum! I love that you named everything even the shrimps and unwelcomed snail 😂. Its also good to hear that your fiancé is supportive... Makes it easier to fill up the space with aquariums hehehe

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