Good Plants That Do Well On Driftwood


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
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hi im looking for good hardy plants that do well on driftwood , i know java fern does well but im looking for something else, any ideas and the link to a page ?
Anubias and Java fern are the most popular.

I agree with that. Look at my signature below and you can see some anubias that has been attached to my driftwood for quite a long time now and is doing well.

I've seen some crypts looking nice on driftwood before.
My vote has to go for anubias. There are many varieties with different colouring and size, so you'd have to be extremely picky to not find one suitable.
I love Anubias on wood, here is a quick pic of mine...


I know you said not Java Fern but Java fern Narrow leaf is lovely like here on my b/f tank

Yep,java ferns are nice,the standard,narrow leaf and windelov.My vote also gose for anubias,I've never seen crypts on wood and don't believe they'd do well as they are heavy root feeders with large root systems.Anubias gets my vote too.
Pogostemon Helferi is another one that you can supposedly grow on wood that is a bit different.
Check out some of the plant retailers like Aqua Essentials plants on wood section for ideas.
Hi Sub-tropic-discus :)

I like anubias too. They are very sturdy and even do will in tanks with lower levels of light. If I can grow them in my cory tanks, anyone can.

Is it me or is there a post missing?

I don't think so, Goodygumdrops. I looked around in the Mod's forum and didn't find anything that was cut from here. Could you be thinking of something you saw on another thread?

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