Good partners for angelfish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2005
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angelfish......thats what i jsut week ill go back to the fish shop....

i was thinking i might get some guppies, anything wrong with guppies and angelfish?

secondly, gourami's look pretty damn kool, hold that thought, ill check these are the right ones on the fish index...

ok back...yep ther the ones, i think my LFS has pearl and dwarf gourami's, would these be fine with angelfish

and finally, anyone who wants to susgest a great fish alongside angelfish in the good ol tank, go ahead
Depending on the size of tank, gouramis would be fine with angels. They are both top dwellers so perhaps some bottom dwellers? Corys are good as are otos (good algae eaters). Guppies may get their tails eaten by angels and smaller tetras will be eaten too.
My experiance with Angels and Dwarf Gouramis was not good. Everything I've read about keeping them together says it's okay. Well, my Angels were bigger than the dwarfs and for some reason, after I added them to the tank, the dwarfs would chase the angels around so much it just eventually killed them. Same goes for a swordtail. He chased the angels so bad and would nip at their fins. I even had a few guppies in there with them and they also caused the angels problems. The weird thing is, the angels were the first fish in the tank before these others came along. When I told the lfs owner about what happened, he said gourimas are mean..but as you know, everyones experiance with fish keeping is different. You may be able to keep these together with no problem, but for me, it didn't work and they (along with the other fish in the tank) help to kill my nice angels I had for one year. My advice to you, if you are going to keep them together, keep a close watch on them and see if they chase the angels. I never thought something as small as a dwarf gouramie could cause so much damage! :*)

Maybe if your tank is a good size, you may not have this problem.
Good luck!
I also had problems with mixing Gouramis and Angelfish. I had to return my Gouramis because they wouldn't stop harassing my Angelfish.
...And just to confuse you even more - I have had 6 Angels live quite happily with a rather large silver gourami to the point where the gourami "mothered" the angels. Fish can really surprise you at times.
I guess nothing is writen in stone. I have 6 Tiger Barbs with my Angelfish and I have no problems.
Living with my angels I have 3 female platties, 1 sparkling gouramie and 2 brachysynodontis (greater upside-down catfish). The angels are alot bigger than the gouramie and the platties but live happily with them. If anything they tend to hang out with the gouramie. The catfish are probably 3 times the size of the angels (so alot bigger than anything else) but cause no issues with the other fish at all. They happily share their space with them. Naturally not all cats would do this so be warned! Just this particular breed are very laid back.
:S Yeah, it just goes to show you that all fish are different. You could try it, if it works, great. If it doesn't return them or (get ANOTHER tank :blink: :blink: ) lol
I've kept platys, swords, danios, corys & plecs with angels. Livebearers work out well with them, you don't have to worry about fry, it's good angel food.


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