Good Or Bad Idea :a :l?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2008
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hey guys wondering...
i popped into a few lfs and asked how much they were selling cardinal tetras for?
a few replied $7 each, $5 each, found a bloke who would give me a deal of $3 each if u buy 50...ofocurse i thought great $150 cardinals for 50 of them!!! will look great with my discuss :)

was wondering is 50 cardinals to much to add all in one hit?
is it any stress for my other discuss and a few plecs ghost knifes etc...

first off, Tank size? second of all whats there condition? Cheap or not if there not healthy its a waste of money. Also whats the return policy? Wouldn't all your other fish eat the tetras?
i have one big balla shark and a big discuss?
im picking them up this Friday.. 2 more days...
ill see the quality of them when i get there?
its a 200 liitre tank...

only worry is will my other fish attack them? i got one 12 inch balla shark... 1 big discus..
large black ghost knife... small gybessep bristle nose... albino corydora.. 4 other medium sized discus. 1 large clown loach and that's about it...

...I'd say that stocking is waaaay to much for a 66 Gallon. 2-3 Discuss i can see being fine but with everything else the tank is over stocked as is. Clown Louche need to be kept in groups and need a tank at LEAST around 100 Gallons, same for the Bala. I would say no adding the tetras since they will be eaten and the tank cant support it.
fair enough...
i am still getting them ino it may sound like im being and idiot now but Ive been waiting for this too long...
will the bala shark of the discus eat any of them ?
I would say there is a very good chance that yes they will be eaten. Thus even though you may want them they may end up being expensive food.
very true mate...
what i suggested was give in my big bala shark to the fish shop im buying the cardinals form and get the discounted...
would this be a good suggestion??
and the big discus, would he try to eat at the cardinals?

cheers mate
I'd say the discus is Iffy. If your willing to give away or Sell the Bala, Clown Louche you can perhaps add them. The real isssue is are you willing to upgrade your tank in the near future. For having 5 Discus you should have at least 100 gallon in my opinion. Also I would assume adding 50 tetras at the same time will cause a Mini cycle for your tank. Discus which are very very sensitive to your tank parameters may die at be harmed by this. Your best bet is spend that 150 twords a new or used tank that larger and prepare more for new fish. if your serious about Caridnals I may also suggest removing the Bala and Louche and buy a new 10-20 gallon tank and place media in there and put a small batch of tetra at a higher price ans slowly up the numbers. This way you can insure there healthy and make a slow transition and take less of a risk.
ok ill give the bala shark in...
what is wrong with the loach:S:S:S???
and do u think adding 50 cardinals will cause ammonia etC??
well few reasons on Louche. While most Louche dont need more then 30 gallons clown louche grow up to 16in. By themselves that may be fine but all Louche need to be kept in groups. This is the only way to see there true behavior as well as its causes alot of stress when there by themselves shortening there life span. I take it you cycled your tank before adding your Discus as well? If you understand that concept then you should know that the term cycle means when your have more waste then can be consumed by the bacteria. Now this can happen if it dies off OR if you add more fish then it can handle (over feeding can also be included in this). Now both tetra and Discus need a mature tank too. Now I assume that since your tank has been cycled it has been up for at least a month and since you have such large fish it has been at least a year. There is a chance your tank has matured enough to cope but again this is a maybe and cant be sure. Lastly since again Discus are very sensiive fish you muct have adjusted your tank paramiters to what they prefer, have you checked and made sure that all your fish can be comfortable in this range? These are just procautions that need to be considered. You must cater to the current fishes whime before adding new fish. If you dont then its just throwing your money and fish down the toilet. I would read up on all your current fishes specs first since it seems that you dont know them yet. This is not to be rude of course but I am just stating whats the best way to proceed about this,
yer man very true..
thanks alot for this info will take it on board cheers
sorry, I know I am not much help but...Dis you say 3 pounds for a cardinal tetra is cheap? We have them here like for 1, 50 Euros...And yes, cardinals, not neons...
But than again, here the guppies are 4 Euros each - not much logic in that, ha? :)
sorry, I know I am not much help but...Dis you say 3 pounds for a cardinal tetra is cheap? We have them here like for 1, 50 Euros...And yes, cardinals, not neons...
But than again, here the guppies are 4 Euros each - not much logic in that, ha? :)

he said $3 dollars

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