Good News!


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2006
Reaction score
St. Paul, MN
I am gonna get to breed for my bio department! They are giving me space in the lab for me to use and spawn as many times as I want throughout the year! The best part is I can turn this into a thesis if I want to!!! I am sooo excited!
Thanks guys! I have been worried for a week that they wouldn't let me do this, but now they will and im super excited to start.
Wow that's pretty awesome news. I guess you'll have to go into the lab pretty often to feed! Or will you cut down the feeds a bit to let them grow more slowly (and save tons of hassle for you). Do you have to breed any specific tail types at all? Umm what else to ask haha. OH do you get to keep any of them for yourself?

Are they breeding them to use for further experimentation, or are they experimenting with different breeding methods/etc?


Thanks guys! I have been worried for a week that they wouldn't let me do this, but now they will and im super excited to start.
From what he told me, they just want to have some bettas to study. I dont think they will be dissected or anything that will harm them. I get to keep whichever ones I want to. I told him I was gonna use my own bettas since the three they had were male veiltales. Ill let him know why I dont want to breed veil tales...they equal homeless bettas that die in cups. But yeah. Im gonna try to line breed. At the moment I have a red/black metallic male and a butterfly blue/white hm male. Ill be in there almost everyday lol. It's gonna be so much fun!!!
Hey. Okay that's good news! I wasn't asking questions to see if they were being dissected. I did my undergrad degree in biology, so I'm not against experiments of that nature if they're going to help gain knowledge. I was just curious if you knew what projects they were working on for interest's sake only. Good luck with the spawning :)

Are you taking some sort of degree at the school where you'll be breeding?

Oh yeah, I didn't mean to answer you questions in the wrong way. Just putting it out there cause I would have said no to this if it meant any of them dying. Im getting a degree in biology, but wouldn't mind studying genetics of bettas up close and personal. This could lead to alot of other experiments. I notice this year they had alot of tanks around the science departments, lol, perhaps they wanted to fill those tanks up. :lol: Hope I didn't offend you or anything Ezrock! :good: I will keep you guys posted.

Ill be sure to start a spawn log when I am able to get it up and going. I need to get a better camera for taking pictures of my bettas. Mine always comes out blurry, so you see like a blob of colors lol.
no offense taken :) Maybe the bio department has a decent digital cam they would let you use for photographing the spawns. You could tell them you want to document the process and growth of the spawns for them and then you could just copy some of the pics for yourself too :)


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