Good Internal Bacteria Medication?


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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Hello folks, I have some serious problems in my 12 gallon tank.

My Pygmy Cory seem to have a bacterial infection which had killed 3 and is looking like it will kill a 4th just in the past month.

I need to get hold of a good internal bacterial medication that will not harm the shrimp in the tank, and preferably one that won't uncycle my tank.
I'm in Australia by the way,
seachem- Kanaplex   treats internal bacteria and fungus by being absorbed into the fish's skin, it does not adversely effect the filter bed and can be removed with carbon you may, have to order it online if possible for around 5 or 6.98 before shipping, otherwise call around to your pet stores.
Thank you Spencer! I've made a couple of calls and it seems hard to find. Any alternatives perhaps?
not that I know of right off hand, but I will look and get back too you!

im not finding any that are shrimp safe atm, aside from the kanaplex do you have any other friends with fish, or a smaller tank you could move the shrimp into?
now that I've read your other post, I realize you don't have anything to move the shrimp into, you may need to look into that quickly maybe a 5 gal, hospital tank  also to answer the question you had about things other than prime that remove chlorine and detoxify metals,  I use the same brand as my canister filter which is a fluval 305 , its supposed to provide a coat on their scales and fins, if you find it the biggest bottle I have seen at petsmart here in the u.s. will run between 11-14.00  I haven't had any problems with it thus far and I have 2 pleco's in my 55 gal tank a clown and rubberlip.
Yeah I don't have another tank for them.
Guess I will have to buy one.

This is so totally overwhelming :(

Please reassure me I'm not the only one going through this frustrating and upsetting process!

Thanks on the dechlorifier - I have Prime now which is great but may need to get some soon so I will keep it in mind.
I have so many questions :/

1. How big should the hospital tank be for my 7 red cherry shrimp?
2. Do I need to have a filter or a heater?
3. If no filter what do I do in terms if water changes?
4. How long will it take to treat the cory tank? That is how long till I can move the shrimp back?
5. When I move the shrimp back will the medication harm them? Like can it get trapped in the filter and keep going through the water?

Sorry for so many questions but I am truly lost here
nope, I lost a gold dust and a creamsicle molly to a fungus it is very frustrating I had to treat my whole 55gal aquarium to make an attempt to save my favorite molly or he would of passed as well I have a 20 gal hospital tank that ran right around 60.00 with the filter and everything in the box if your main tank is heated I would say yes so they aren't shocked by  the change the furan 2 antibiotic I had and fungus cure is dosed for 24 and 48 hours, then you do a 25% water change you can do as much as 50-75% if using both together then you have to put the activated carbon back in the filter , and get a quick start for bacteria id keep them in a separate tank for a month or so, with weekly water changes that you do normally you should get all the medicine out to put the shrimp back in safely

I have a fluval 305 I changed the activated carbon and baught bio-chem to get it out the biochem just goes inside the canister
prime is good I have it too, and put it in with water changes, but I also use the fluval brand for the slime coat, because if you read your prime bottle, it says provides slime coat, but not coats scales and fins for protection like the fluval does, and my pleco's being a catfish technically like your corydora, i haven't had any complications from it with them, Marineland also makes one with a protection coat that prime doesn't have

also, before i forgot, it sucks to do lol the medicine i have and the medicine that went in, is dosed for 10 gallons so in your case and mine its hard to gage, 1/4 or exactly what half a packet ends out to be.  when i treated i did 5 packets because i wasn't sure
I'm ot sure about protection coat - I think it's all a gimmick. No one pours it in the Amazon River do they but the fish are just fine.

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