good idea or not


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2005
Reaction score
Dayton, Ohio
with the special that reeftopia is running. something like 100 turbo snails, 100 blue legged hermits, 36 certh snails, 12 nassiura (spelling ??) 2 emerald crabs, and two peppermint shrimp for like $129 plus free shipping. That is an awesome deal. however I have a 75 gallon reef.. with about 50 30-40 crabs, and 30 various snails. I know there will be some die off but can I manage all of this in a 75 gallon reef tank?
for all that you could sell them on if you dont need them, ive never seen an offer in the uk for that much mix i worked it out though and this is what it would cost me to go buy that lot £702.00p :eek: the uk such a rip off :(
Find someone in your area to split the order. I don't believe those are "Turbo" snails but rather Astreas. You don't want more than about 15 of those. You really don't want any with blue-legged hermits which will eat them. Ditto the nassarius although that is about the right number for your tank. Ceriths, emeralds and pepps all look good.

I'm almost certain that reeftopia has trochus and scarlet hermits, go for those.

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