Good Home For Unwanted Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 3, 2007
Reaction score
Basingstoke, Hampshire
Hello everyone :hyper:

Just set up my tank after having it empty in my house for over a year. Will be looking to stock it very soon (Tropical). Just wondering if anyone in the Basingstoke, Hampshire area has any healthy fish they wish to rehome? Also any plants would be most appreciated.

Emaiil me on [email protected] or PM
Hi, sorry I haven't any fish for you but what I will say is if you're going to buy fish in this area go to Maidenhead aquatics at Wyevale garden centre at Dummer as opposed to DH Watergardens at Sherfield or Pets at home. Their fish are far better looked after and there is a much better range.Their plants are good too (Idon't work there btw!).
Hi Phishy25
what size tank and what type of fish are you after?I am local to you and may have a few fish that are could also contact [email protected] about the Basingstoke club
Thanks guys! I'm in Hatch Warren and the shop at Dummer is my local. I know what you mean about the Sherfield on loddon one.

My tank is currently cycling, but it is an Evasion 120, 264 litres. I want to set up a tropical community again. Need to work out my stocking limits, but I would like some rainbows, clown loach, corydoras, bristlenose plecos and neons, possibly platies/guppies. Although last time I got overrun with platies. :)
Ah Rainbows, my favourite! MA@Dummer have a lovely selection at the moment; Threadfins, Forktails, bosemani, G incisus, M lacustris, and M praecox and M australis. There are a couple that look like hybrids (Pigeon Blood Rainbows) and the 'Red Tailed Raionbows could be M macullochi (sp?). I'm just starting to breed my Celebes and hoping to have some M praecox 'Pagai' next year to breed. I'm guessing your tank is 120cm long? If so you'd be better with the Threadfins or Forktails or maybe the praecox as you're a bit short for the larger ones. They also have all the other fish you're after up there (I was there last week!) and have quite a selection of corys.

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