heaters are a type of a equipment where reliability is very important and is one area I don't go for the cheapest.
None yet, but I have a plan of the following:@Circus What kind of fish do you have ?
I was a bit worried. I've heard horror stories of shattered heaters in territory scuffles.@Circus Those are all great fish. I don't think you have anything to worry about as far as fish moving things around. I love Jack Dempsey's and Convicts. Should be a fun tank to sit back and watch !
What do you recommend as a quality brand now? 15 years ago when I got into the hobby, Eheim Jager was the gold standard for heaters. It's what I just bought for the tank I set up. It needed some serious calibration because as it came out of the box, the set temp was 5 degrees off what the red arrow read, but I've fixed that problem now and it's working well in the mere 2 weeks my tank has been up. I never expected reliability problems out of Eheim.Anyway, my view of Ehiem has changed following my experience and having (belatedly) read reviews that suggested I was not alone. I won't buy that brand again.