Good Fish

ime, it all depends on the betta's personality... although otos, snails, cories, and plecs (most need a big tank) usually make good tankmates. Shrimps might as well, but can get eaten :crazy: .
Not gourami, clown loaches get big and like to be in small groups other than that they are ok, redtail sharks need a 25-30 gallon I think, but I think they'd be ok.
Huge no to the gourami. No no no. Lol.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, clown loaches get to be HUGE. Did you know they can max out at 16 inches? You would have to have one big ass aquarium (pardon my french), 75 gallons minimum, and they do like alot of filter and water current, so IMO, not a good match.
Red tailed sharks can grow to 5 inches in a year, and should be grouped in 3 or more, but also need a high filter environment, so I'm still not sure it's a good match. They're also known to harass smaller fish, and the pretty fins of a betta would concern me in a situation like that.
That's my 2 cents. If you have the room (20 gallon, preferably) you could get a 6 count of cories, but they do need a sand bottom, so be careful about that. :)
It really seems to me you cant mix Bettas with anything !

I love Bettas but dont just want one betta and the rest all plecos and corys
There are a couple other threads about this on this page. They both have replies that might not have been mentioned here. You might want to check it out :)
harliquins *might* work IME they are very laid back don't fin nip and keep themselves to themselves
yeap i agree i took my beta out of tank its in lil bowl not sure where im gonna put him but he is a bully to my molies an painted fish i think he might have killed a mollie an a painted fish an was picking on my sword an moon store said they were ok together but there clearly not
Huge no to the gourami. No no no. Lol.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, clown loaches get to be HUGE. Did you know they can max out at 16 inches? You would have to have one big ass aquarium (pardon my french), 75 gallons minimum, and they do like alot of filter and water current, so IMO, not a good match.
Red tailed sharks can grow to 5 inches in a year, and should be grouped in 3 or more, but also need a high filter environment, so I'm still not sure it's a good match. They're also known to harass smaller fish, and the pretty fins of a betta would concern me in a situation like that.
That's my 2 cents. If you have the room (20 gallon, preferably) you could get a 6 count of cories, but they do need a sand bottom, so be careful about that. :)

To be fair, they are a very aggressive species, so putting them in a community is sort of a 'If I can manage' not a 'I'll only get one if i can fit it into a community'.. Why not get a small tank for your betta, where he can be alone, and get a community where you can get a few clown loaches and all the other fish you wanted? :)
I keep my betta with 5 zebra danios and 2 small platys, and it gets along with them fine.
Generally speaking Danios (fin nippers) and Livebearers (primarily Guppies and Platies) aren't the greatest of tank mates. Of course this is my opinion. :rolleyes:
I like betta with panda...but their tank is bit larger as well!

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