Good Easy Plants For Sand Substrate


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Having a problem here trying to get plants to stay rooted and keep the roots alive in the sand, is there any reason for this.

Certain plants survive well, i.e. bulb plants, howver many grasses that i plant, the roots die off in the sand and the leaves float away, what does everyone recomnend for sand subtrates?

Also thinking of switching over to kyodama Bonsai soil for substrate instead of sand to help me to get a good planted tank. Heres my tank set up.

LIGHTING 1 x T5 35 watts (Is this enough) I have independant switches for my lighting, one for 2 x T5 35 Watts and one for 1 x T5
CO2 - None (Do i need to inject in this low cost set up?
FERTS Leaf Zone Weekly Dossage
ADDITIONAL Bogwood, rocks, air pump with air stone

Please help me as i want to have i lovely planted tank, just inexpensive one though
I have no problem keeping my stems in the sand, are you pushing them down enough? Some stems need a bit of encouragement at first, from a smal pebble placed strategically around so it holds the stem in place whilst roots develop.

There's no point switching to bonsai soil, stick with sand :)
You have just under 1 wpg of light, so you need to be sticking with very low light plants, maybe this is why the grasses were dying off?

What is your actual stocking by the way?

And just looked up the U1, you do realise that filter is rated for tanks a quarter of the size of yours..?
I have no problem keeping my stems in the sand, are you pushing them down enough? Some stems need a bit of encouragement at first, from a smal pebble placed strategically around so it holds the stem in place whilst roots develop.

There's no point switching to bonsai soil, stick with sand :)
You have just under 1 wpg of light, so you need to be sticking with very low light plants, maybe this is why the grasses were dying off?

What is your actual stocking by the way?

And just looked up the U1, you do realise that filter is rated for tanks a quarter of the size of yours..?

Oops i meant U4 mate, up to 240 litre one

Is the Bonsai soil no good? looks awesome in tanks. and the aeration and filtration through the soil and great for nutrient release?

Current Stocking is:
2 Plecs
1 Peacock Guppy
10 Leopard Danios
1 Balloon Molly
1 Sailfin Molly
1 Elephant Nose
2 Dwarf Gourami
5 Rhombo Barbs
10 Bleeding Blue Tetras
Hi there Phil. I am using argos play sand and i am having great success with Vallis and crypts. Is your substrate deep enough? I have another tank that hasn't quite got enough gravel and plants don't stay rooted for very long.

The U1 isn't suitable for your tank. I would be running an external filter of some sort on a tank size of 200 litres.

Also... just a thought, you could use Anubias and Java fern as these need to be attatched to wood or rocks so the substrate wouldn't affect them at all. These are low light plants that don't particularly need alot of care if that makes sense.

EDIT: I see you meant U4. I would still be running an external as an internal of that size is taking up a fair bit of tank space.
Hi there Phil. I am using argos play sand and i am having great success with Vallis and crypts. Is your substrate deep enough? I have another tank that hasn't quite got enough gravel and plants don't stay rooted for very long.

The U1 isn't suitable for your tank. I would be running an external filter of some sort on a tank size of 200 litres.

Also... just a thought, you could use Anubias and Java fern as these need to be attatched to wood or rocks so the substrate wouldn't affect them at all. These are low light plants that don't particularly need alot of care if that makes sense.

EDIT: I see you meant U4. I would still be running an external as an internal of that size is taking up a fair bit of tank space.

Thanks mate, what external would you reccomend? I was Thinking the Fluval 305??? any good?

I have some Helferi which i am trying to get going on the bog wood is this suitable? I am using Leaf Zone Plant Fertiliser, Is this any good?
Fluval are good mate, I had a 205 and liked it a lot, my impellor started to play up so I swapped it out for a tetratec 1200, and I have since added another... I am just starting out with plants myself so can't really comment on the things you ask but I am sure someone will be along soon to help you out.

A lot of people use flourish Excel and love it, people also like to dose easycarbo I believe. But then on the other hand if your filter is creating enough surface movement to aid with the oxygen transfer from the air to the water and your fish are healthy then they will be producing enough waste which inturn will provide enough nutrients for your plants such as the ones mentioned to thrive in. Vallis, anubias, crypts, fern, moss, there are a few varieties of each that do well with a low tech setup such as yours and mine. If you have a look at my thread entitled fluval Vicenza 180 then you will see exactly where I am at. My plants are from tropica and the quality is excellent. My lfs stock these and I believe most will.

Keep us updated.
I use play sand and have no problem keeping crypts, amazon swords and java fern in place. They do move easily if you pull on them but since you don't have to disturb the substrate when doing water changes I just keep clear of the plants.
If you are using sand then I would suggest a depth of between 2 and 3 inches which will be plenty for plants to be planted in and not be uprooted easily. Crypts shouldn't be buried too deep so as to keep the crown free from sand and gravel.
If you are using sand then I would suggest a depth of between 2 and 3 inches which will be plenty for plants to be planted in and not be uprooted easily. Crypts shouldn't be buried too deep so as to keep the crown free from sand and gravel.

Thanks chaps, will need to add another 3/4 inch i reckon, my plecs are always uprooting them when they scurry around at night, Naughty plecs :grr:

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