Good cheap aquatic plants? Local PA places? Not big Box/Amazon?


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May 18, 2020
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Berks County, PA
As the title pretty much points out I want to avoid Amazon/Pet(co/smart) and find some submersed plants to experiment with. Most megamarts want $6/plant which seems like a lot. A lot of the mom & pop aquarium shops have really terrible websites and with this crazyness right now some have been closed. I'm in Berks PA and I'm fine driving an hour. Yes I know ThatFishPlace in Lancaster - they aren't stocking anything alive until the state opens up and even then it may be a while. They will also be very expensive.

Any local people that deal these things? Like a person that "breeds" plants at home and sells them.

I'm new to planted aquariums. I have an Anubis, Hanthium & Cryptocoryne plus a few more I don't know what they are. I don't know if I am being ripped off or not. I equate it to what I do know, IT. A non-IT person might go out and buy an Aruba Managed Switch that costs $5000 from CDW where I can get a better switch from D&H for $900. Usually what you see in the big box stores, you are getting ripped off.

I know I may be being cheap, but I am cheap. I'm new at this planted thing, just because I kept an anubis alive for 5 years doesn't mean I won't blow through $100 worth of plants if I do a 125gal all planted tank. Not many books on audible about planted tanks.
I think $6 / Plant is too much. I only spend about $15 and I had heavily planted 50 aquarium with a lot of java moss for my 10-gallon shrimp tank.
I think buying online is the best option, but make sure their shipping is less than 24 Hour.
What kind of plant did you planned to buy? Some plant are kinda Pricey.
Ex : Anubias Golden Nana
That's the thing, I don't know yet. It would be cool to have something colorful.

It would be cool to have an amazon sword. Any good online stores that are still open? That's what I was thinking your average plant should only be $1-2 each at most. $6+ seems a bit overkill.

I buy plants for the outside of my house at a nursery that my neighbor owns. I get entire trees, bushes and shrubs for $6-$12.

Is their anything good for stabilizing ph? My pH is around 8.3 (API FW MTK), Temp is 76F (CDN digital lab thermometer), Nitrite 0ppm, Ammonia 0ppm, Nitrate 0 - 5 ppm, smaller tank reading 10ppm (API FW MTK).

My water is liquid rock and comes from a for profit water company. So it's barely suitable for human consumption according to the US GOVT. I have a 5 micron sediment, 10 micron carbon. I have a water softener but I bypass it for water changes. May get RO/DI system.
Amazon Sword has a nice green colour and Will Grow Really Big to help you cover most of your aquarium Background. Idk any Online Shop at Berk since I have never been there. But I think any Online Store with nice Rate are good to go.
You just have to make sure they promising 24 hour or less shipping time.
You can try Indian Almond Leaf to Lower You PH.
Any online store, the online store doesn't need to be in Berks, PA. I was hoping their may be mom & pop shops that sell cheap plants locally. But any reputable non-Amazon/Petsmart/Petco plant seller that is selling plants for less that $6/pop would be great.

I like the way the Amazon sword looks. I already have almond leaf from Amazon coming in but to get one to come in tomorrow and not 10 days from now I needed to spend $12.
How about buying in seeds and growing them from seed?
Seeds are a lot cheaper to get in but it will take longer to get plants from the seed because you have to grow them.
Any retailers that sell them? Amazon didn't have them. Don't know where to start? Do I need to then buy soil and special equipment or anything? A hydroponics setup?

Just looking for some cheap plants. Most places has high prices or exorbitant shipping fees.
There are lots of plant seed vendors on Ebay and they can post seeds to you. Depending on the customs and immigration in your country, the seeds might just go straight through the post (especially if in a small envelope like a letter), or they might get picked up by a sniffer dog and confiscated or treated before you can get them.

If you do get seeds they can be grown in sand, potting mix or fine gravel. Put an inch or two of sand in a plastic icecream container and cover the sand with a thin layer of water (1-2mm over the sand). Sprinkle the seeds on top and cover the container with some plastic lunch wrap or clear plastic. Keep the container warm and in a well lit area and let the seeds germinate and start growing. After the plants are a couple of weeks old you can add some liquid plant fertiliser and increase the water depth or treat them as marsh plants and let them have wet roots and dry leaves.

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