Good Centerpiece Fish For 29G

I have a rainbow shark in my 29g.
It wasn't the smartest move. He can be rather nasty at times and he's only 4".
my friend had a rtbs in his 29 g barb tank. he got territorial, but never did any damage - just did some chasing. Might not be the greatest move, but if you wish to try it, the trick is to make the rtbs the only bottom dweller and get it as a juvenile. Lots plants and a good cave for the rtbs will help. But then again my friend keeps barbs - big difference between those and tetras.

I think an African Butterfly Fish would be a good centerpiece. Loads of fun to feed. You'd probably have to scratch the gouramis if u get an ABF though. I also don't know how they are with small fish, but sleeper gobies are amazing, IMO - especially how they rest on the bottom. Have a feeling they might snack on a cardinal if given the chance ...
noelberg said:
I think an African Butterfly Fish would be a good centerpiece.
if a fish is under 2 inches it will most likely end up as a snack for an ABF and they can get pretty nasty, so yeah.. i don't think a gourami would be a good idea with ABF's.

Personally I like the sound of the gouramis :nod:
Way back when you mentioned cherry barbs, and you also said you wanted red. Well, male cherry barbs are very red (they often look washed out at the pet store it seems), they are small, and they are totally non-aggressive. I've had them with dwarf gouramis, tetras, cories, male kribs, synodontis eupterus, and even a female betta -- they seem to get along with everyone.

Also, red minor tetras are very colorful and active -- but they didn't work with my gouramis.
Ok,i think i figured it out finally. I am leaving out the bigger fish and am going with colorful,schooling fish instead. How would 6 Cardinals or Neons,6 Harlequin Rasboras,3-4 Cherry Barbs, 4 Zebra Danios and maybe 2-3 Otos sound for my 29 gallon? Good amount or too many? Thanks for the help.
I can't see a problem with that combination, but I've also never housed those particular fish together, so hopefully others will chime in. The numbers sound fine as well, all being slim bodied fish -- you might even go with 6 danios. The only caveat being that I would add them one group at a time, leaving plenty of time between groups (I think 2-3 weeks is recommended) for the bacteria to play catch-up, and to be sure there won't be any disease. Especially if this is a new tank.

The next thing to consider is which group to add first. Are there live plants in this tank?

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