Good Big Tank Size For A Beginner ?

:lol: ha,ha, good comeback, you've even got -me- wanting to add on to my house.



you know you want to...... and you should get congo tetras, praecox rainbows and some dwarf NW cichlids for it :lol:

not in the forseeable future (did you get my message t'other day?) the 2 foot cube won't give enough swimming room because of the unusual shape. Given the housing market at the moment (two houses on our street been up for sale for months with no sign of shifting) and the current economic climate it doesn't look like we'll be able to move house for at least another year if not two now. Won't have room for another tank big enough for them while we're living here so congo's are definately firmly on my 'one for the future' list now but sadly not to be for this tank. :no:

Yea, I know, was just giving you a hard time.. no prob, know the cube will have other beautiful fish

..and its the same here, outside of about 3 markets, house sales are dead as a doornail all over the US, sigh

aye, not even started to think properly about what we can stock it with yet, got my eye on a few things though.

although my darling other half has agreed that when we've finished doing up the bedroom i can try and fit in a little tank for our nannacara and i can have a little breeding project with them which is very exicting and should keep me occupied for a little while :D
I think I should point out that as we're onto larger tanks, you should always make sure you have enough space to work safely in and around them (it's not always something that springs to mind when 'going large'). I know it's not a pleasant thought, but people HAVE been seriously injured and even died while maintaining their tanks.
Just about maxed out. Leopard danios are a variety of zebra danio. They can tolerate cooler water than most tropical fish, but not as cool as goldfish can.

I disagree completely, most goldfish can happily live in sub tropical temperatures. Goldfish are often bread in tropical countries where room temp is sub tropical - tropical. They are not as temp sensitive as most would think, they will be fine in temps of 78F or less.

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