Goo Obo Gudgeons

yeah, i'm thinking of it. i'd rather a smaller species of badis, such as the scarlet, but if he doesn't have it... burmanicus it is! :lol:

heh, i've a lot more to say, but i'm taking this waaaay off-topic. pm sent. ;)
Sad to say, but as I expected, things are not going very well thus far :/ There were only about 20 eggs and many have fungus. Oh well, maybe a few will survive, but if not, I still have a healthy pair of goos :)
He's just a lazy Dad , some of them are still good , have eyes :unsure:
^ :nod: The female decided to lay her eggs on the top of the inside of the tube, and the male doesn't like to hover upside down :p
My original male has mysteriously died shortly after being replaced by a more active male, but I'm hoping the new guy will take better care of his eggs when he spawns :)
You know those eggs that had fungus on them? Well I moved the pipe containing them into a five gallon last week and the eggs dissapeared a few days ago. Last night lucky saw two fry :D Even better, today he saw five! :fun: Now I just need to keep these guys alive and get my pair to spawn :)

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