Gonna Get a Doggy


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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As a Suprise for me Moving in.

My Parents an dWife and Going to allow me to have a Dog.

Gingers not got long to go now. 27 is a Ripe old age for a Cat.

But Which to Get.

I want a Small Dog that can sit on the Sofa and wont be a terror. My last dog was a Kelly Labrador Alsation Cross Tan and White.

These are what I like.
But I will Have to make do with what the NCDL in Honiley Have.

Cairn Terrier
Bassett Hound - Really Like this Dog
Jack Russell
Brussels Griffons - from the film as good as it gets
Manchester Terriers
Miniature Pinscher dog - Min Pin
ok well
i :wub: :wub: scotties
they are soo cute i had one but he died last year,he was called max n he was great.But the scotties have a tendancy to be stubborn and lazy.Mine didnt really go for walks he liked to sleep all day :D i think this was because he was terminally i since the age of 2 :-(

i also like westies theyre cute n fluffy,especially when theyve just been clipped.But they can be a little yappy so be warned :lol: but they are a fun loving breed who like to play all day!

jack russels are cool to but they can be nippy.They like to go for walks and play aswell so another good choice

Staffies are great dogs too!they are fun and energetic but will still cuddle you and be affectionate.Also will gurad your house!

so out of your list id go for

jack russel

or why not go looking for a cute little mongrel who is a mix of all of them!!! :thumbs:
I Do Like Staffies,

Everyone @ Work Says to get a Staffy. But they maybe too much for my Arthritis and Sciatica, Any Sudden strong pulls on the Chain and I be in alot of Pain.

I would love a Scottie - Doesnlt bother me if its Lazy.
Basset Hounds are absolutely fab - but beware - they are the greatest K9 escape artist alive ! Great watchdogs as well as the have the most awesome deep masculine "wooooo ....f" :wub:

Unlikely to find one at a NCDL - you are more likely to find terrier types there.
Scotties are strong for a small dog. I had a Scottie and a Westie at the same time and the Scottie was about twice as strong. They are all muscle, lovely dogs. They pull a lot when they see something they want to chase. Jack Russells can live for a long time, I knew one that lived to 20. My Scottie lived to 11 and my Westie lived to 14. They were called Jenny and Penny! :)
If you want a dog that sits on the lounge, get a Jack Russell. They can be a terror though. My Mac can be asleep on the lounge one minute then running around crazy the next and vice versa. You really need to have the time to watch them. If you can have one, they will provide you with endless hours of entertainment. No matter how much we walk our Jack he is still ready for more running (I tested this theory once by walking him 4 times in the one day then taking him to an off leash area. He still ran around crazy).

if you have any questions about JRTs in general please PM me :nod: I'd be more than glad to help
Jack Russell! JR's are very active and sweet. I don't really like Scotties, though.
Mix breeds have far fewer health problems because they don't have the history of inbreeding...i Very much recommend anything mixed with poodle because they are intelligent and always Hypoallergenic!
We Only have 1 Animal Shelter in Cov, and they are only open a few hours a Day.
And then theres the NCDL - National Canine Defence League, thats a good 1hr drive.

I wouldn't mind a Mongrel, but would absolutley love to get a Bassett, My All time Favourite Dog.
my friend has a king charles spaniel and they are gorgeous. Lap dogs, and they are cute and fluffy and cuddly and they dont need massive walks every day.

She got hers from a shelter.

Ive just got a cavalier king charles ,if you want a house dog he is perfect ,all he wants to do is sit on my knee,at moment i'm shaking a rope and he is tugging it,look for my post in here and you will see him. :nod:
cavelerar king charls
a basset

i think a staffy may be a little too strong.id go for scottie but its your secision good luck!
I suppose at the end of the day it's what's available at the NCDL

but if you are really set on a Basset, why don't you try the Basset Rescue ? - they are all over the country and there is bound to be one to cover your general area.

Or try this one - just look under Basset Hound.

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