These guys are now 3"+ some of them and eating me out of house and home. They are at breeding age as people who have already had some off me are now getting fry. Still same price
Thought they had all gone, but I miss counted and I still have just 8 unpaired Elliotti left and no space to put the seperate pairs if they do pair. Offers on the last 8, wont be breeding any more, once these are gone.
Mature adults can reach approx 15cm (male) however my mature female is approx 4" There is not much info on the net, but this is fairly good.
For a species only tank, are you just thinking for a pair or a group? The 5 I have in with the frontosa have spawned right next to each other both pairs taking up approx 10" square area in a 300l tank
The only spare tank I have at the moment is a 25 gal which I didnt think would be anywhere near big enough but when reading about them, websites where saying they were one cichlid ok in smallish tanks but no site actually gave a specific tank size lol
I have found sites saying 30g for a pair of firemouths and as the Ellioti are from the same family and get to the same size I would guess thats probably about right. so 25 gallon would be pushing it.