Goldfish with others


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
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Sorry if I sound like a dunce, but would it be okay to house goldfish with some tropicals? I have three small (1.5-ish") goldfish in a 55 gallon tank. I was wanting to put some neons and maybe some rams in there, but I'm not sure if it would work out. If not, I'll just move these guys into a pond. :thumbs:
No it would not work Goldfish are coldwater neons and rams are tropical. It is not good to mix these fish as it would affect the gold fishes health and they may possibly die.

And I think if you wanted to move them to the pond and have your 55 gallon a tropical tank that would work out best but it is all your decision :) hope this helped :)
in short

they have diffrent temperatures and the goldfish will eat anything that they can fit into their mouths!so theyll eat your tropicals

so put the goldies in a pond and get tropicals or leave them as they are
You CAN mix danios, white clouded mountain minnows, weather loaches, bronze/albino cories and most snails with goldfish because they prefer cooler temperatures. But no neons or rams.
my fren raise his baby goldfish to adult with loads of tropical and the temperature wasnt low,i t was around 20-30*C(dunno how to make degree sign)
will admit that i too have mixed tropical and goldfish, but i always kept them with fish of the same size and those that can take the activity of goldies.
In order to not jeopardise the lives of any fish in question, the only fish you can really keep with goldies are -

Whitecloud minnows
Hillstream loach
Weather/Dojo loach
White Cloud Minnows
Ancistrus (with mixed results, some attack the goldies)
and few others.

With many different strains of goldies available though, it's probably best keeping a species only tank.
I keep my Goldies, orandas and a couple of Dojo Loaches with a small school of 6 Diamond Tetras and have never had any problems I did have some Blue tetras in too but moved them to the tropical tank to make more room in mine. The Tetras school together and are a nice compliment to the Goldies! I dont have a heater in my tank but it stays at a regular 22degrees in my house so never had the problem of it being too cold for them.

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