any salt is ok even pickling... so marine if you want or tonic..whichever is cheaper and easier to get hold of. as for the is appalling for treating fish over the counter...most meds are just so weak. internal antibiotic food is what you really need and rommet B I think can be gotten hold of through vets, though this might only be for the youll have to keep going with interpet. potassium permanganate from chemists may help or from internet..this is a paste that you put on the wound..but you must wear gloves.
just keeping my fingers crossed for you that the ones with sores you can treat... as for those with internal infections, theres really not much you can do but wait and keep the water fresh for them.
finding the cause too is another thing...
The second sick goldfish died suddenly yesterday- pretty much 2days of symptoms and it died. The first sick goldfish is doing well right now though, although it still has the growths, its very active right now so i'm pretty hopeful about this one.
As to the cause of this, i'm really miffed. The water quality conditions are good and have always been good, the fish all get along...The only thing i can think of that may have caused this is a few days before the fish went downhill there was a bubble pump in the tank which broke and caused a lot of load noise before i removed it- maybe the loud noise & vibrations the broken bubble pump gave off stressed the fish out?