Goldfish Overstock


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
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Okay where do I start. Well here it goes. I have a 30 gallon hexigon tank. I got it last summer as a gift from my parents. I knew about fishless and fish cycling at the time and I tried to explain the idea to my mother. Well I was currently going to highschool at the time and while I was at school my mother went and bought 6 feeder fish of all different colors and put them in my tank to start fish cycling. I was shocked but I couldn't take them back as you can not return feeder fish at my local fish store. So I just went on with it, thinking that they would die. Which 2 of them did. But then I was stuck with 4 goldfish in my tank. I didn't mind. I needed to cycle it anyways. Well I hadn't added any other fish because I am aware that goldfish need A LOT of space in a tank. I think it was 30 gallons to one and 10 more to each other added. So I was trying to figure out what I should do with them. I have had them for about a year like I said and they all have grown quite a bit. Well my mother didn't believe that goldfish needed that much space and hated that I didn't add anymore fish to my tank. Well I just recently graduated high school and as a little gift my mom bought my some fish and when I came home about 2 weeks ago I went to look at the fish and had two newly added fish, a black moor, and orange oranda in my tank. My mother was trying to be sweet and bring me more fish because I take care of them and love watching them. But I told her I can't keep them, it's over stocked. Well it turns out my lfs won't let me return them. So I am stuck. I don't know what to do with these fish. I don't know anyone with a pond that would take them in or a fish tank large enough for all of them. So do any of you have any suggestions? I live in Michigan. I would give them to someone who wants them. Although I don't have much money at the money for shipping and such and I don't know how to ship fish. I would learn though. I have pictures I will add of some of them.



I'd give them for free. I just don't know how much it would cost to ship them and I don't even know how to ship a fish, what to put it in and how to send it ????
I'm sure if you advertised someone would take them for free in your area. you could ask for someone with a pond for the commons as these are the ones you should rehome first. with the fancy tails you could comfortably keep 3 in the tank.
Dont know how you can stop your mum from getting more fish, maybe if she sees you having to find new homes she might stop getting them.
good luck :)
hi there can you take a shot of the whole tank ?

i know ill prob get shot down for this but it looks like theres plenty of room in there with a good water circulation and air supply and you obviously take very good care of them,if the tank is now established keep what youve got

but for gods sake MUM dont buy any more

oh and if there cold water only lose the heater
:eek: shock horror, 6 fish in a 30? heading for trouble though bribones. They need the room to grow properly and as i'm sure you know these fish do most of their growing in the first two years, so its unfair to keep them longer than a couple of months at most. IF she were to keep them then she would need a bloody good filter and loads of water changing. It just wouldnt work in my opinion.
Maybe another tank might work for a while longer. Another 30 for the goldies and yes she would probably get to keep them for a couple of years but the problem is still going to be there.
Clear_View someone in your area will probably buy your fish :thumbs: I would if I had the room and I was in Michigan
the LFS won't even take them back for free? that's different.

you could look around on campus and at other public buildings to see if they've got goldfish ponds anywhere. if you can find one that looks ok, make a "donation".

you could also try joining one of the Freecycle groups. advertise them as "pond fish" and not "goldfish"; otherwise someone with the same mentality as your mother might try getting them.
Bag 3 of them and take them to your LFS. They can't refuse them if you take them with you and just hand them over. They won't realy have much choice. Also, as you know, you are over-stocked with even the 4 in there (which is why I said take out at least 3), so keeping the black moor (which doesn't get that big compared to commons) and a couple of the others you have is probably a better option than taking back the 2 new ones only or the 2 new ones and one of the old ones.
Or try another petstore and say you are severely overstocked and don't know what to do.

Tell your mom how much waste they produce, and try to drill it into her head. My mother was the same way.

I've got two goldies in a 55 right now, which I know isn't huge, but they are doing so wonderfully. They were in a 7 gallon before :(

Try craigslist, like wuvmybetta said, make sure to say they are pond fish.

I'll see if I can find anyone with a pond, as I live in northern Michigan.

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