Goldfish & Koi Artwork


Fish Addict
Dec 31, 2004
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"Why Utah?!"
Just wanted to share some artwork I've done since it's too early in the season to take photos of my goldies in the pond still. And I'm not sure if I've ever posted these here.

Koi. :3

And this was done for someone that rescued fish, all of these were deformed and died before they reached adulthood, so I did them as if they had.
Blimey, I thought that top was was a photo!! thats an amazing drawing
Rodders, thank you.

luque, thanks. They're all traditional, no computer involved except to resize and such. They are acrylic and colored pencil.

ColdGold, I wish I could use watercolor! It always goes places I don't want it to lol
Amazing pix, Love the shading on the Koi.
ColdGold, I wish I could use watercolor! It always goes places I don't want it to lol

Try using watercolour pencils first with a wet brush etc and then you will find it easier to get the hang of it. I am an oils person myself and that is how I taught myself to use watercolour.
I do use those instead, they're fine, it's just the actual watercolors I'm still having issues with. I'd probably learn faster if I took some classes or something. ;3 Buuut, I never have and I'm still too poor. lol

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