Goldfish Fantail - Ill?

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May 18, 2013
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Sorry to post this on a tropical forum, however, I don't know where to find help at this time during the day + this forum looks awesome.
I am new to fish as such, and have two fantails, cold water.
This morning a noticed 1 fan tail chasing the other, and thought maybe they are trying to mate.
This afternoon I noticed a 'cotton blob', this was not there this morning.
I have searched google and fear it's cotton disease? I don't have any treatment and shops don't open until tomorrow morning.
I have attached a picture.

Please help, I am worried this fish will die.
Many Thanks
What kind of rock is that in your fish tank by the way?
Must be the marine version then, Looks like live rock to me but if it's ceramic then nevermind! Sorry.
No idea on the goldfish problem though, Not good with cold water fish.
I'm afraid your tank is not big enough for your goldfish. They can get big, and really need at least a 120l tank for two.
Another problem is that your tank isn't 'cycled'. That means it doesn't have a colony of good bacteria living in the filter. The bacteria eat the ammonia produced by the fish and turn it into less toxic substances; first nitrite, which is also toxic, and then nitrate, which is only toxic at very high levels, and which we keep low with water changes, in a cycled tank. Cycling a tank takes between six and eight weeks. Because your tank isn't cycled, those toxins will be building up in the water and making your fish sick.
Whatever is wrong with your fish is almost certainly something wrong with the water, and not a disease. Try and change at least 95% of the water right now; leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright (don't forget to switch your heater/filter off first!) before refiling with warmed, dechlorinated water.
You're going to need to get some test kits, so you can make sure no ammonia or nitrite is building up in the water; until then, change at least half the water, every day.
Cut right back on feeding until your tank is cycled. Fish don't need much food, so a small pinch (all they can eat in two or three minutes) every other day would help. Don't worry, they won't starve!
Yes, as flutter says, you will need a MUCH bigger tank for them as they grow.  How long are they now?  I know from experience that very soon you will begin to find that it is impossible to keep that tank clean...and the fish will not be happy.  If you can, I would certainly upgrade.

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