Goldfish dieing


New Member
May 27, 2004
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Hermiston, Oregon, USA
I got 10 goldfish to add to my ank to help with the cycling, this is a 20 gallon tank. I put them in less then 24 hours ago and now 2 are dead. This tank has been cycling for 2 weeks now I had 3 goldfish and a convict in there, they have been in there for quite a while now and seem to be doing just fine. yesterday I bought 10 goldfish and 5 ghost shrimp and two goldfish have died. Arent they supposeed to be one of the best adaptive fish?
sorry to hear of your loss, :byebye: but you shouldn't keep goldfish in any tank.
they are pond fish!

Please learn by this mistake and find them a home in a pond
No, goldfish are not considered especially stong and fish can only take so much. Is this going to be a coldwater tank? Do you know that the tank is only suitable for one fancy goldfish (no commons, shbunkins or comets, as said above they need ponds or maybe massive tanks)?

To cycle that tank for coldwater you would have needed only one goldfish. They create a lot of waste and that is why they need 20galls for the first fish and 10 for each thereafter. Fancies can get to 10" and commons etc much bigger, they can also live for 25+ years.

Do 20% water changes daily to help keep the amonia down in such an overstocked tank, and find a new home for the majority of the fish.
EX-AmP said:
common goldfish as in feeders? they might be just sickly
Noty all common goldfish are sold as feeders you know. Some people actually keep them as pets, in the UK at least it is illegal to feed live vertibrates.

I think the problem is quite clear.
ProtegeRacer said:
they are just feeder goldfish, just to cycle the tank also.
It dosn't matter
They have a right to quality of life,same as you! :angry:
ProtegeRacer said:
they are just feeder goldfish, just to cycle the tank also.
So, what are you doing after the cycle? You should have had only one in there to cycle that tank, I don't think you should have used them at all. You should have used fish that you want once it has served it's purpose, or done fishless. :crazy:
I was going to give the fish to my mom after the cycle, I didnt realize goldfish needed a bigger tank than a 20, none of them are larger than an inch at all. Also the LFS lady said it would be a good number. I didnt realize goldfish needed so much space. Sorry.
hi i breed gold fish. and i know almaos t every thing there is to know about them. goldfish need MIN ten gallons EACH no matter wut the pet store says. a "feeder" aslo a comman or commet needs 15 galons min. they are VERY drity fish and need alot of flitration and airation in the tank. if you would want to keep a goldfish(they are toltaly easy after you know the basics.) this is a site i highly recomend for goldfish. kokos goldfish world click here

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