Goldfish Chasing Oranda Around My Tank

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how can you tell if your fancy has swim bladder damage?

Generally speaking, when a fish has a swim bladder disorder, it will not be able to control its swimming (like spiralling around in circles, swimming upside down etc) since it is the swimbladder that keeps the fish steady in the water.
Swimbladder disorders can be brought about by physical damage or stress, but also commonly brought about by infections like internal bacterial ones.

Fancy goldfish are also prone to constipation which in bad cases can bring on swimbladder disorders; they are mainly prone to constipation due to the fat body type they have been bred to have. This puts the intestional/stomach tract under pressure (normally the intestine would be spread along a longer and more slender stomach like how common or comet goldfish have, intsead of compacted into the short and fat body that so fancy goldfish have) and can even twist in some very overbred fish.
So when feeding fancy goldfish its important not to feed them too many dried foods and to always remember to get veg in their diet to help incourage a healthy system inside the goldfishs body :) .
thanks tokis, at the moment im feeding my fancys a mix of flake food and daphnia (i think thats what its called :) how can i introduce veg in to their diet? which veg? all help is much apreciated :good:

seriously, goldies love them

Microwave a pea and then let it cool. Remove the outer skin then feed. If the goldies are still little then mash the pea up and give a little at a time. A lot of goldfish owners feed peas once a week as routine. If your fish are showing signs of constipation at present then fast them for three days then feed them only peas for three days.

Also if you use dried foofds such as pellets, flakes, then pre-soak them in some water for 5 minutes or so before feeding. If you feed them dry they can contain a lot of air, which is also bad for thier swim bladder.

Fish will eat other veggies too such as romaine lettuce (blanched) or cooked brocolli. I find peas the easiest though. Preferable to use frozen instead of canned as canned often contain salt.

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