Goldfish Breeding Tubercles


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Regarding my suspected white spot....No wonder it's not reacting to being treated.

So......if I have all boys, is this why the Shubunkins are chasing each other round all the time? Spot & Smudge are always chasing Ghost1, Ghost2 seems to step in (swim in) and defend him and they go off for a while before starting again on whoever takes their fancy (usually Ghost1).

I did used to have two other fish in their tank but we assumed they were being bullied, they would all gang up and chase them round, pin them to the gravel even.....we took those two out and put them with the big Koi and the big Goldfish. My little tank downstairs is really a trouble maker tank, anyone who refuses to get along with the rest of the tankmates goes in there.

Since I was moving fiish about tonight (new tank ready) I tried putting the shubunkins back in with these two and they chased them so bad they had one pinned in a corner behind an ornament and it (she?) was so scared she just stayed back there for 10 minutes after they'd lost interest and wandered off, and this was a small gap, she was vertical in there.

I took the two back out and put them back with the Bishes & KoiBoys.

Are my fish fighting or trying to get it on? Any ideas?
it does sound like you ahve a tank full of randy males lol. As they have the breeding stars then its going to be hard to curb the natural instinct as they will chase each other around.
I dont know what you can do to stop it but keep the numbers thinned as much as possible and wait for the tubercles to go down.
Well, Ghosts 1& 2 are now in the hospital tank, they chased him/her until it just laid on the bottom of the tank :( poor Ghost2 trying to keep up to defend the other one.

I took them both out this morning, to give the one a chance to recover without being kept lonely. They both look a lot happier.

Dan gets so mad with the way the others behave he's threatened to buy a six pack of beer and drink their health as he flushes each one down the toilet :lol: I know he wouldn't so I can laugh at that, but they are annoying, this tank is SO not the relaxing sight that fish tanks are supposed to be, there is always something fast and startling going on :(

I may have to give Spot andSmudge away to get a more peaceful tank for everyone left, the others only join in when they get it started.
It may be you might have to give half of them away to ease the chasing. It cant be much fun for the fish either being moved around so much. Hope you get a balance somewhere.
I think we fixed it for now, Ghost1&2 are in with the Bishes and the Koi Boys, there are only 5 left downstairs now. Peace appears to have been resored....thanks for your help and interest :)

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