Goldfish As Prizes!

shang hi

Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
England, Sussex
I think its animal crulty to give Goldfish away as prizes at funfairs. Shops have to have a licence to sell livestock but the people at the fairground can give them away for catching a plastic butterfly with a net or landing a fake frog on a lilypad.

How many people go out thinking that they are going to come home with a live pet, do you think they have a fully cycled tank setup at home ready for a fish?
Do they even know how to care for it?
And the poor little fish that has already gone through so much stress in being baged on its own and being hung up on a shelf with flashing lights around, to just be put into a container bought at the last second at the fair which has no light and no filtration.
Not forgetting unknowing owners adding the fish to water that has not been dechlorinated causing serious pain and eventualy death to a fish that did nothing.

This should be illegal, and no thanks to Patricia Hewitt who droped the section from the Animal Welfare Bill in 2005.
This is a descrase and should be outlawed EVERYWHERE NO exceptions
It sucks. They have no respect for a living creature. evey fair that has had there i just look at them and can't help but think "Well there all going to be dead in the morning".
It's the one sole thing that stoped me from going to fairs that do this.

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