Golden Wonders Killis


Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Feb 7, 2004
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Just Eating My Toast and Look at the Tank.

And See The Female Killi, Swimming around Very Strangely.

Take a Closer Look and what do I see.

She is trying to Eat My Sparkling Gourami. It was 3/4 the Way In her Mouth. Now I now Why I have Not seen the 1st one I got.

So I netted Her and Swished the Net around to make her Release it.

She Swims off after letting it go.

The Gourami looks Fine, No marks or Cuts. He swam off and hid behind the Background.

Will My Female do this again, or was it a One off Occurence.

I know they will jump at anything that gets dipped into the tank. Even the Tweezers I feed the African Butterfly with.

Or should I give them away, as I like the Sparkling Gourami More than the Killis.
I have Had some Conflicting Advice, from 3 Sources.

1 - They will eat anything they can get in their mouths, especially the female. Keep an Eye on them. Once they start to establish their own territories they will not tolerate any other fish swimming into their patch. The Female will become aggressive towards the males and all other fish.

2. Killis are Peaceful, Was the Gourami Ill. - Nope all fine checked it after it escaped.
It may just be a 1 off.

3. I would have expected the ABF to have taken fish, not the Killi.

I have never had this Problem with Killis B4, I kept them in our 5Ft tank when we were younger. They do Not have any particular area that they live in , and will swim at all levels in the tank. I have seeen them near the gravel at times happily exploring the bottom caves and plants.

What do you Guys suggest.
I am a firm believer in the once a gourami eater always a gourami eater philosophy. I would say bye-bye to the killifish. Maybe you could trade her in for another gourami. :)
Of the three options above, number 1 best sums up the situation. 2 is also true to a certain extent.

Thing is, the term "killi" covers a lot of ground. Panchax, such as the subject of this topic, are more aggressive then Lyretails, pearlfish, nothobrancids etc., so there are a lot of very peaceful killi's some less so. Next point, most fish will eat things they can fit in their mouth. Third point, Panchax have big mouths for their body size, they are predators.

If she's tried it once, she'll try it again.
I think I may Swap them for another Fish,

If I get this Job I will take them to work to sell.

Or Else The Cat gets to go Hunting Again
ask CFC about his golden wonder who is currently terrorizing a florida gar!

they are super-hungry fish. my male i think stressed out my female too much and she died, but my male is an absolute pig! That boy is a P-I-G, PIG (yeah Animal House :) ) Seriously he will eat anything, but lucky for me hasn't terrorized any other fish. The golden wonders are not your typical killi - they get bigger and a lot hungrier and sometimes more territorial.
I will see what happens.

My cousin Is setting up a tank. Might give them to him. He caught the fish bug, he has a Koi Pond and want fish inside. He wants large fish, so they should fit in.

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