Store Manager Coalville Aquatics
Just Eating My Toast and Look at the Tank.
And See The Female Killi, Swimming around Very Strangely.
Take a Closer Look and what do I see.
She is trying to Eat My Sparkling Gourami. It was 3/4 the Way In her Mouth. Now I now Why I have Not seen the 1st one I got.
So I netted Her and Swished the Net around to make her Release it.
She Swims off after letting it go.
The Gourami looks Fine, No marks or Cuts. He swam off and hid behind the Background.
Will My Female do this again, or was it a One off Occurence.
I know they will jump at anything that gets dipped into the tank. Even the Tweezers I feed the African Butterfly with.
Or should I give them away, as I like the Sparkling Gourami More than the Killis.
And See The Female Killi, Swimming around Very Strangely.
Take a Closer Look and what do I see.
She is trying to Eat My Sparkling Gourami. It was 3/4 the Way In her Mouth. Now I now Why I have Not seen the 1st one I got.
So I netted Her and Swished the Net around to make her Release it.
She Swims off after letting it go.
The Gourami looks Fine, No marks or Cuts. He swam off and hid behind the Background.
Will My Female do this again, or was it a One off Occurence.
I know they will jump at anything that gets dipped into the tank. Even the Tweezers I feed the African Butterfly with.
Or should I give them away, as I like the Sparkling Gourami More than the Killis.