Golden Rams


New Member
May 4, 2004
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just bought a pair of small golden rams, which I think are pretty stunning fish. Have done some pre-reading (i.e. make sure water quality is good, provide hiding places), but wondered if anyone could give give me the benefit of their expertise or point me to a good website???


Rams are a bit hard to keep, you probably already know this, but just in case , allow 1 sq foot for a breeding pair and 2 sq foot for terrrotory. so the 1st square foot is their imediate home , while the other real estate is like their garden. they will mostly chase away other fish & rams from the 1st sq foot, while tollerate fish with-in the boundaries. Also the male will bully anything that is smaller then him , at times even bigger fish , so you need fash swiming fish, i leavned taht to my cost. GH are suppoised to be low 4-6 (ideal), thouigh i can say mine are very high, somethimes 14-16. but they seem to get on fine. I also had 2 blue rams , which died due to dropsy. IMO Have found that golden varity are more hardier .

Hope this helps..
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