Golden Rams Eggs!

Well the eggs are still there. Some darker colour than others, white/yellow? They are doing a good job of protecting them considering how small the gold rams are to the other fish! Not sure if any will hatch or not as I have no clue on this kind of thing lol.

Nothing bothers them apart from the bristlenose now and again but the male shows him what direction to go :lol:
Nice one scott. Get them in a tank of their own. The lighter ones will be infertile ones.
Well seems like someone got hungry in the night sadly :(.

From a big leaf full (must of been over 200 easy) to approx 20 this morning. And when I got home today I am pritty sure there was non there at all but both are still very protective over that area but hard to see whats going on.

I'm going to buy a cheap-o 2 or 3ft tank and put my old Arc Pod light unit thingy on it. Just need to get a filter setup for it... what you think?
Sounds good. If the eggs became wrigglers then they may have moved them to a pre dug pit below. Check all around the area for wrigglers. :good:
Sounds good. If the eggs became wrigglers then they may have moved them to a pre dug pit below. Check all around the area for wrigglers. :good:

Where all the eggs were was right at the back corner of the tank on a leaf nearly under the filter so was hard to even see the eggs. For two days straight they was always guarding them. Then the next time I looked they was nearly all gone.

Today they are both swimming together at the front of the tank, something they haven't done since having the eggs.
I reckon they have gone then mate. Best thing to do imo would be to setup a small 50-60 litre tank specifically for them, then you have nothing in there that will eat them other than the parents, and you can always remove them if you so wish.

Ensure plenty of flat stones for them to lay their eggs on and a temperature of at least 28.
That small? I was thinking I needed 100L+ lol. I will try searching for a tank and try breeding them :good:

No good in my community tank lol.

But HEY! atleast I managed to get a pair ;)
Yeah, 2ft will be fine mate. You can remove them once the fry are free swimming back to the 190 and then use the 2ft as the grow out tank.
Sweet. Well from Wednesday I've got 10 days off work so I will go get a cheap 2ft tank and set it up for them ;)

Think they will be easy to shift though? Don't want to be stuck with 100's of Gold Rams lol :unsure:
I will have a load off ya. Start feeding them bloodworm daily to condition them.

P@H sell 24x15x12 clearseal bare tanks for £35.
I will have a load off ya. Start feeding them bloodworm daily to condition them.

P@H sell 24x15x12 clearseal bare tanks for £35.

Sweet :). I'd still need a filter, heater, light unit? (Could use my Arc Pod light?)

Will have a look at getting a tank when I'm off work for 10 days ;)

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