golden nuggets


Nov 25, 2004
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i must learn to resist a bargain! Just bought two small golden nuggets for the bargain price of £7 each! they'll be ok temporarily in my 4ft for now, but it looks like i definitely have to upgrade to a 100gallon before long!! How do i break this to the missus.... :D
say someone gave them to you!

but at that price you had every right to buy them :lol:

unless she watches the tank egerly for hurs of end it's quite unlikely she'll spot them for a while either!!
i wish i could hide it - however she has to pick them up this afternoon and let her friend have them to bring back from Cardiff to Devon :S better telephone and tell her really i suppose....
Great price, mine cost me £18 :(

Your tank size is fine for Golden Nuggets (depending whats already in there of course), although you may not want to tell the missus that piece of info. :lol:
the size is ok, but its a pretty well stocked community tank as it is, i have small clown loach at the moment too (sub-2") along with lots of barbs, a pair of firemouths and a medium gibbicep, hence the need to upgrade in the future. but i wasnt supposed to buy any more fish till i upgraded the tank size :*) I have a 1200lph external filter to add though so hopefully if i overfilter it should be ok till i can get the bigger tank...
You've got 2 of my favourite species there, CL's and Firemouth's....great choice :D

To be honest, I don't need much of an excuse to get a new tank, I'll always think of something...go for it! lol
thats torn it, i've just seen a 6ftx2ftx18" tank in the local paper for £50, she grumbled enough at a 4x2x2....
That sounds like a bargain, gotta be worth a look

Buy 1st .................ask the missus later :lol:
lol i think i may well have to buy it... i'm so dead :rolleyes: if i put it in my hallway i should just be able to squeeze past sideways...
well they both made it back to Devon safe and sound! I have a funny feeling that i may have two different variants though - one of the fish is slightly larger (2 1/2"), but has much smaller spots of a less vivid yellow, and narrower margins on the caudal and dorsal fins; the other is smaller (1 1/2") but has much bigger and deeper yellow spots and a much wider yellow margain on the dorsal and caudal fins. Both lovely looking fish though and in great condition!

I am struggling to find anywhere that this 6ft tank will fit though, cant go in the hall as i wouldnt be able to open my front door!! looks like the sofa has got to go.....
chris_1127 said:
...wouldnt be able to open my front door!! looks like the sofa has got to go.....
Good choice! Sofas are over rated anyway... All you need is a couple of big bean bags or pillows for the floor so you can sit down and admire that beautiful tank! :D
i lost the smaller one of the two last night, i hadnt seen him much yesterday so hunted him out last night, found him quite listless under a piece of bogwood but still alive, put him in quarrantine overnight but he was dead by this morning. a real shame too because he was the nicer looking one of the two :( no obvious signs of distress or illness, and ammonia/nitrites 0, nitrates <20 so just one of those things i guess
Hi Chris, I've just found this on Planet Catfish about Gold Nuggets,

L081 is reported in DATZ to represent three very similar small spotted gold nugget plecos. Reportedly, the first is very hard to keep alive for any length of time; the others are considerably more hardy. While these fish may represent the range of population, it appears that the browner (as opposed to black) and finer the spots (amongst comparatively sized specimens) the more likely you are to have a hardy type. Little is know of what this fish looks like at adult size.

So the one that sadly died may of been the less hardy type. Best of luck with the other one. My LFS has just had some delivered but will be a week or 2 before they go on sale, I'm torn between them or a coulpe of L 333, they look great also.

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