Golden Nugget pleco Question


Fish Crazy
Jan 17, 2005
Reaction score
Orange County, California
In my area there are no bristlenoses available so I ask my LFS store owner what is the best catfish to keep with Discus (that doesn't suck the slime). And he said the Golden Nugget Pleco. But I held off buying one until I get your guys's Opinion. Can Golden nuggets co exist pecafully with discus? They come from the same area and live in the same kinda of water.
Hi KageBunshin :)

I can't answer your question about plecos, but if you are not set on them and might consider another kind of catfish, let me suggest a small school of C. sterbai.
They are the corys best suited to the warm water and other conditions needed by discus and they are often kept together successfully.

Here's a link to some more information about them:
I've had my Gold Nugget in community tank for about 5 months now. It's only a small one, but it's shown no signs of aggression towards any of the other fish in my tank. Everything I've read on up on GN suggests that they do NOT eat the slime coats of other fish (I have seen no evidence of mine trying to), are sometimes aggressive towards other bottom feeders and a definitely aggressive towards other Gold Nuggets.

They're lovely fish, but you need to sure which L number you are getting as there are 3 different types. One which grows to about 16" (L085) one that gets to around 14" (L018) and one that stays around 7" max (L081).

If you have the right size tank, I'd definitely reccommend one.
I purchased a lovely little nugget for £20 last Sunday and it died Tuesday morning, havent a clue why :sad:
I had a Golden Nugget that died. They are a bit sensitive. I have a Common Pleco now and it is much easier to keep. Although it will get rather large. I am buying a bigger tank soon to accommodate it! Oh, and it never bothers the other fish. :) Also it only cost £3.95.
I need an algae eater thats why I need to find a correct Plec. C. Sterbai are cool fish but they dont do much in the way of algae. Thanks for all the input though. I think I'll buy one this saturday. :hey:
The Common Pleco eats algae. I also have a Golden Apple Snail and between them they keep the tank very clean. The only problem with the Common is it's eventual size. The term common covers a variety of catfish, for example I think mine might be a Gibby Plec. But I am not sure, it is very nice to watch whatever it is.The Commons are quite small when you buy them (mine was actually supposed to be a Bristlenose) but eventually it would need a bigger tank than yours (and mine). I plan to keep mine until it gets to about 12 - 15 inches then rehome it. I couldn't afford and don't want a tank bigger than 70 - 80 uk gals.Apparently fish shops are interested once the fish is large. :)
I have one in my 55g. Although still a little fella right now he's no trouble to any of the others. Seems a tough little guy too, considering I've had to medicate my angels for ich recently and then one of the filters stopped working and the water went cloudy which is still being slowly cleared. :rolleyes: There's very little algea in that tank tho so I couldn't say whether they're good algea eaters or not. Mine likes his pleco food and sitting on the wood by night. He very rarely eats while being watched and the tank size and setup mean I sometimes don't see him for a day. Lately found platie baby at least a week old I wasn't even aware of. :lol:

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