Golden Gourami White Hole/spot


Fish Addict
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Tank size: 450l
pH: 7.2
ammonia: 0-0.25
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 100
tank temp: 26c

Fish Symptoms : White spots on head as pictured

Volume and Frequency of water changes: 10-50% daily

Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: None

Tank inhabitants:
4 oscars (2 tiger 2 albino tiger)
2 kissing gourami
1 golden gourami
1 angel fish
2 plec and 1 catfish not exactly sure of variety

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Nothing

Exposure to chemicals: None

Digital photo (include if possible):

Ok so long story short.

Bought a 450l tank to rehouse my angels but it came with above fish and didn't have the heart to dispose of them so been trying to rehome them. All the other fish seem in good health although kissing gourami are missing the fins off both sides on 1 and 1 side on the other.(suspect the oscars) So the tank was in a horrible state when i got it. water was about 65% mark and i had to clean the internal filter (with tank water) as it was so blocked with filth it wasn't running. I had to transport the fish in containers for 2 hours all told with breaking down the tank ect. So these fish have obviously suffered a great deal of stress. When introducing them to cleaner water i did it slowly due to what i expected to be massive differences in the water chemistry. So the fish seemed happy enough if somewhat overstocked. I've been doing daily water changes to try to bring down the massive nitrate levels. Normally smallish at 10-20% a day. 50% today as i got a trace reading on ammonia. So during todays water change i spotted the white mark/hole in gold gouramis head and i swear it has got larger in last couple of hours. Also i had 1 of the 3 filters fail on me so i wanted to move out some of fish. Preferably kissing gouramis to protect them from further harresment. But i can't risk spreading disease to my other fish.

Ok maybe long story long. Can't get photo to upload so will host off forum and link.
Seems to have spread to be 3 white holes/spots now. Have upped the temperature to 29c
I would take the bacterial route.
Spots on the head that ulcerate into a hole can be bacterial. Also hole in the head.
Is there also any pitting in the head region, like pencil holes.
Any strands coming out of the holes.
Is there any redness to the spots.
The hole is still exactly as pictured a small pit with white centre. Think I must have been seeing things as i can't see the other 2 small dots now. Can't see any others like hole in the head. Could be HITH due to malnutrition as the non-oscars in the tank seem to survive off tiny scraps that don't get instantly devoured by the oscars.

The other fish in the tank seem perfectly healthy. Although the cat fish hide constantly so can't 100% say for them.

Being "rescue" fish i have no idea how bad the water condition got but i'm keeping it sparkling now.
Remove black carbon if you use it.
Add some vitamin supplement to there food.
Water changes.

If no improvement get back to the board.

Just one more question.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?

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