'golden Catfish' Bought A New Fish But Cant Remeber It Proper

i will i always do alot of research on whatever i get mate unless its rescued then they go in a tank on thier own untill ive done the research on them.

im getting a breeding pair of jewel cichlids tomorrow and they have laid eggs today too so might be a little earner for me if i sell some on
too many ive narrowed it down to my main big tank a 2ft tank with a breeding pair of kribs in it (ready to drop in the next day or so) a 4ft with my reedfish in and some juvi kribs a 5ft with a 13" shell adult female cumberland turtle and another 4ft with a male false map turtle 4.5" and female mississippi map 4" and a 4ft x 4ft x 2.5 ft pond with basking for the turtles and some large comets and goldies in and my weather loach lol so not much really :lol:
hi again! went back to the pet shop and got the name. it a glyptosternum or some people call in a glyptosternon. looks just like that Bagarius suchus so maybe thats its other name. just looks more grey but has exactly the same body shape! so glad you found it cheers for your help!!

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